Bridget: Hatter would nod, disappointed. "But there is a chance for later right?" (lol) 4:51 PM
Bridget: Jen would want to ask what had happened but would figure it's none of her business so would just nod again. "Sorry to hear that." 4:51 PM
Peter Pan: Alice would blink a few more tears from her eyes and take a deep breath, looking up at him for a moment and then remembering how he had defended her. How he had been so forceful and strong in his protection of her. Not so much his assault on David, but just that fire in his eyes, knowing it was for her. She'd change her mind and then go "Well... I don't want to be kissed with tears all over my face..." 4:53 PM
Peter Pan: Tyler would shrug and go "I'm used to them.." Realize what he just implied, and go on quickly "You know, writers are always moody and stuff." 4:54 PM
Bridget: Hatter would jump at the opportunity "I'll kiss the away." aaaaaand cue make-out session xP 4:56 PM
Peter Pan: lol I think her parents should come bursting in after having seen David rushing from the house nursing a bloody nose, telling them "It was Hatter!" in much more colorful language. So her parents come in and see this man who just beat up a man they like better making out with their youngest daughter and they'd flip a biscuit lol. "Alice, what happened to Da... Alice! Stop it!" with her father rushing forward and shoving himself in between them and going "Get your hands off my daughter!" I think this is a perfect opportunity to establish just how much her parents truly dislike him. 4:59 PM
Bridget: Jen would open her mouth to say something, but would be kinda hurt by that. Like, at first he might have been saying that he missed her but then nope, forget that. He just had writer's block. So sad Jen would look to her brother (who seriously needs a name. uuuuuh.....Jason. lol) who's sigh a little like that 'why do I have to do it?' type sigh. And he's thinking to himself they should just make out and get it over with already lol But both these people are so stubborn. xP Jen would finally see Jason's not saying anything, so she'd try to think of something to say "Sooo...Mina's already on the radio... Making any money from that? 5:02 PM
Bridget: And yes I agree. <3 Hatter would comply silently, just because they're her parents. 5:02 PM
Peter Pan: brb 5:03 PM
Bridget: mkay 5:03 PM
Peter Pan joined the chat 5:08 PM
Peter Pan: Back lol Sorry, had to update Adobe 5:09 PM
Bridget: It's all good. ^_^ 5:09 PM
Peter Pan: Tyler would go "Yeah, a bit. Not much yet since she just broke, but the agent keeps saying it won't be long... Especially if she keeps using my songs, you know?" 5:09 PM
Peter Pan: Alice would look at her mother and go "Mum, please, we're together!" and her dad would just go "Not for long you're not." to which she'd look back and go "What?? Dad... Dad, please, you don't even know him!" "I don't have to know him! He's too old for you anyway. Now say goodbye. He's not coming back here." 5:11 PM
Bridget: brb 5:11 PM
Peter Pan: Okay. Just saw that message lol xD 5:20 PM
Bridget: "Makes sense. Well...uh...good job..." Jen wouldn't really know what to say. lol She'd want to be ecstatic and like 'I always knew you were good enough! I told you you'd hit it big' and stuff like that but she feels like that, especially right now, is a little... inappropriate. lol like they broke up and are stuck in a truck together staring at the reason for their difficult parting (the baby) and then to take part in his joy would be kinda like taking part of the credit right? And whether or not she has right to be credited for his success or not, now is just not the time for any of that. lol xP You know what I mean? 5:56 PM
Peter Pan: Yes, exactly lol =) 5:57 PM
Bridget: Hatter would step back. "Sir, I know you don't know me, but I'd like to mention for the record that I just saved your daughter from being sexually harassed. I think that ought to count for something, huh? Besides, what's a few years. I'm sure you're a good, oh, ten years older than your wife, at least?" Very foot in mouth, saying either the father looks old or the mother looks very young. lol 5:59 PM
Peter Pan: lol Tyler would nod a thank you to her, then run a hand through his hair and mutter "So... what have you... been.... up to?" 6:00 PM
Peter Pan: And Alice's father would puff out his chest and get in Hatter's face and go "The only man I see harrassing my daughter is you! Now say goodbye to Alice, and get out of my house before I throw you out!" 6:02 PM
Bridget: Jen would shrug. "Little jobs here and there. I can't do much. Doctor's orders. But I've been keeping my hands busy. Er..., not like that...well anyway, earning money I mean. I learned to sew. So a lady hired me to help her make throw pillows. And, I babysit a lot. And tutoring with high schoolers. Something about being pregnant I guess, helps the kids trust me. That's what their mom's say, anyway." Jen would just be talking like, just rambling almost, trying to fill the silence and then some. xP Oh, and I just got the idea that it would be funny if one of the kids she tutors and/or babysits gets a crush on her, despite her being prego. xP Anyway... lol And Hatter would step back, hands up. "Ehehe, no need for that, sir. I'm gone." he'd give Alice an apologetic look like saying he's sorry for getting her parents worked up about this and that he'll see her later, then he'd leave and go hide outside their house underneath her window until her parents either leave or go to bed. lol 6:06 PM
Peter Pan: Tyler would roll his eyes a little when she suggests the udnerlying sexual tone in that sentense, thinking to himself "I wasn't even thinking that, really??" and then nod when she goes on and on and on. "Sounds like you're busier than before..." 6:08 PM
Bridget: Jen would shrug "Not really. Just...busier with other things I guess..." (implying that she filled the times with work that she used to fill with him) 6:09 PM
Peter Pan: Alice would spend a long time time fighting with her parents. Going on about how they can't keep her away from him, and then them saying that she lives in their house and she'll abide by their rules. Commenting that this isn't like her - he's clearly had a bad influence on her and she has to stop seeing him before she makes a stupid mistake with him that ruins her life. Alice asking if they really trust her so little, and them insisting they DO trust her, it's HIM they don't trust. Why is she being this way? Her answering that maybe it's because he's taight her more about being herself than anyone ever had and she's sick of pretending to be anything else. Eventually Margaret would come home (not seeing Hatter under the window) and get involved, then their parents would probably leave for some diplomatic dinner and Margaret would be left to comfort Alice. It'd all take maybe two or three hours I'd say. 6:10 PM
Peter Pan: Tyler would go "Well... at least you're not bored..." 6:11 PM
Bridget: Hatter would basically wait there in silence until Alice was in her room alone. then he'd (first floor or second) either way get to her window and knock on the glass and wait for her to notice him. 6:13 PM
Bridget: Jen would nod. "I imagine they keep you pretty busy too, huh?" 6:13 PM
Peter Pan: Second floor. She'd look, panic since it's on the second story, open the window and half-drag him in. "You really ARE mad, aren't you?" 6:13 PM
Peter Pan: Tyler would blink and look away a bit. Pause....... then "Not as much as you'd think." 6:14 PM
Bridget: He'd grab her and pull her close. "For you" then kiss her passionately, ignoring everything about her parents for the moment. xP 6:15 PM
Bridget: Jen would look surprised. "What? Why not?" 6:15 PM
Bridget: then she'd stop. "Oh, um...well, I guess that's none of my business. 6:15 PM
Peter Pan: She'd be feeling like sticking it to her parents (in short lol) and rebelling, so she'd walk back towards her bed and sort of... let him get the picture lol 6:17 PM
Peter Pan: Tyler would sigh a little and go "No... you can ask if you want...." 6:17 PM
Peter Pan: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnd I have to go 6:17 PM
Peter Pan: Play tonight with friends. Be back around 9-ish your time <3 6:17 PM
Bridget: Mkay. <3 Hurry back!!! HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 6:17 PM
Bridget was timed out 7:18 PM
Bridget joined the chat 8:54 PM
Peter Pan: Heeeey!! Where's my sexy hatter? =( 9:03 PM
Bridget: Ah yes. Forgot to send it lol 9:05 PM
Bridget: Sorry. 9:05 PM
Bridget: He'd push her further onto the bed, pulling his jacket off at the same time, then would quickly lower his body onto hers, kissing her lips and grabbing her waist and moving his hands up slowly. In every way taking advantage of the mood she's in. lol He'd break the kiss a moment to whisper breathlessly "I love you -kiss- so much." and then go back to just devouring her. xP 9:07 PM
Bridget: Jen would half shrug. "Well, since technically I already did..... I guess it's up to you whether you want to answer or not.... 9:08 PM
Bridget: How was the play? 9:08 PM
Peter Pan: She'd encourage him in every way. Probably let him go further than he'd ever gotten before lol, but still not sex. When she finally stopped him and they're laying there side by side, she'd whisper "My parents were serious, you know... They're going to do everything they can to make sure I never see you again..." 9:11 PM
Peter Pan: Tyler would go "They, um... Well, they wanna focus on Mina. Getting her voice out there... you know?" 9:11 PM
Peter Pan: The play was really good =) 9:11 PM
Peter Pan: Not my favorite they've done, but good =) 9:12 PM
Bridget: Hatter would turn on his side and stroke her cheek tenderly and whisper "And I'll do everything I can to make sure I see you every second of every day for the rest of my life." Then he'd kiss her sweetly on the temple 9:18 PM
Bridget: Jen would frown. "Oh...well, I guess...that sorta makes sense... But, aren't you the one who wrote the songs? Played the songs? Created everything? Why don't you get more spotlight if you're the one who did everything? It doesn't know...seem fair... to give Mina all the credit. She's a great singer but...they aren't her songs." 9:21 PM
Peter Pan: She'd sigh and cover her face with one hand, clearly worried about this. "My father is a diplomat. He has power, Hatter, weight to throw around. And he has diplomatic immunity, which means he can do almost anything and the law couldn't touch him. I don't mean to say he might try to hurt you but... I just don't know. Margaret said she'd help us all she can, but she's going back to university next week... And God, if my parents were to ever catch us together again, they'd kill us both...." 9:23 PM
Peter Pan: Tyler would look over at her and go "That's how the industry works. Beyonce doesn't write most of her own stuff. Christina doesn't. Even Bowie doesn't. But they get the credit. And do you have any idea what the names of their song writers are?" 9:23 PM
Bridget: Hatter would continue to pet her hair and cheeks lovingly. "You forget how clever I am. The Red Queen couldn't touch me for years and she had all the power in the universe. Don't worry about a thing, dear. i'll take care of everything." 9:25 PM
Bridget: Jen would shake her head. "'s not like you can't sing. Why don't you record your own stuff instead of letting her do it all the time?" 9:25 PM
Peter Pan: She'd look over at him quickly and go "Don't you dare even think of giving my parents one of your teas, they have LAWS against that here." 9:26 PM
Peter Pan: Tyler would sigh and go "That's what we do. I record it. She learns it. She gets on the album. It's not a big deal, Jen, that's how it is." 9:26 PM
Bridget: Hatter would laugh outright. "I love how you always think the worst of me, Alice. It makes our conversations so much more interesting! -leans closer- And gives me such great ideas" Then he'd laugh again at her reaction. "I'm kidding. Kidding!" 9:35 PM
Bridget: Jen would shake her head "But..." then Jason would cut in "Jen, that's the way things work. Leave the man alone already." and Jen would huff and settle down into the chair again. "We're here." Jason would stop the truck, hop out and whistle for the other guys to come and help him unhook the car and get it into the garage. Jen would shout out the car door "Hey! Jase! Thanks for the help." (playfully and sarcastically of course, cuz it's hard for her to get out of the truck by herself lol) and he'd just wave her off, doing his job. She'd look over to Tyler again. "Well...I guess this is our stop..." 9:39 PM
Peter Pan: lol She'd hit his chest lightly, then when he says he's kidding she'd start laughing as well and then they'd do that thing where they unconsciously move closer and end up wrapped tightly in each other's arms. She'd rub her nose against his and run her fingers through his hair and then just whisper "My parents were right though... You have had a bad influence on me... -pulls him on top of her and kisses him- And I wouldn't have it any other way..." 9:46 PM
Peter Pan: And then.... cut scene? I can't think of much elsse we can do lol 9:47 PM
Peter Pan: Tyler would be silently thankful that her brother made her stop, then when she says that this is their stop he'd look at her, then sigh, open the door, get out, then hold out his hand for her to take. 9:49 PM
Bridget: So Hatter and Alice go back to making out. <333 And Jen would look at his hand for a moment, then up at him, then reach her hand out tentatively, half not wanting to touch him again because of all the memories it's ALREADY bringing back and half hoping they'll fall into each others arms and it'll be like old times again. "You know I'm a lot heavier than I used to be" 9:50 PM
Peter Pan: Yes!! <333 Timeline everything you can of it!!! Tyler would shrug one shoulder cavalierly and go "I'm as strong as I ever was." 9:52 PM
Bridget: Jen would gulp, repressing a shiver and trying to deny how much that turns her on. lol Since, well she is pregnant and therefor twice as easily turned on and satisfied as ever. lol And Tyler was always her biggest weakness when it came to physical activities. ;P "Oh boy... uh, alright." and she'd press her hand into his, pretending she doesn't feel the spark that's still there and that she doesn't care her face is all of the sudden red again. lol 9:55 PM
Peter Pan: He'd ignore it for both their sakes, help her out of the car, then take a step away and put his hands in his back pockets and just go "I'm... gonna go to the bathroom... make a call... yeah...." 9:56 PM
Bridget: She'd nod, wait for him to leave, then go to her brother in panic. "I can't do this. I can't see him again. Jason, listen to me, I'm freaking out here! I can't do this! Take me home, please! I can't be stuck here with him. Not like this!" and he'd go. "You're carrying his baby, Jen. Maybe making up with him is a good thing?" "But he's still the same person. I'm still the same person. It went wrong before, if neither of us have changed it'll just go wrong again. I can't put a kid in the middle of that!" "So then ignore it." "But I CAN'T!" and the desperation would kick in and she'd beg and eventually give up and go sit inside with a coke and the really fat desk lady who would kill any pleasant mood anyone could ever be in. xP lol 9:59 PM
Bridget: I don't know if you'd want to do it or not, but what would Tyler do it he overheard all that? 10:00 PM
Peter Pan: He'd get defensive and want to tell her that he's NOT the same person, he knows he's not but then he'd stop and imagine her just shutting down, or shutting him down, and refusing to listen and being stuck in what she thinks, and then he'd just go "... Well you're right about you being the same person Jen..." Then turn and hit his fist against the wall in frustration before really going to the bathroom lol 10:01 PM
Bridget: Poor thing. <3 Is that what you want him to do? Or do you want to carry this thing along further and see where it goes? 10:02 PM
Peter Pan: Hm... I think for them right now it'd be best to wait untl we get there in the rp and then see what happens... 10:03 PM
Peter Pan: We haven't fully developed where they'll be at this point.
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