Full Name - Julius Valtieri
Preferred Name - Julius
Age - Incubus 20s (a few thousand years old)
Race - Incubus
Height - 6'5"
References - Teks
Description - Julius is tall and broad-shouldered. He has black hair that he tries to keep fairly short. He wears it either loose or in a ponytail. His eyes are a warm brown, on the lighter side of the color. He has strong, handsome features which are very decidedly male. His skin is pale since his father is a vampire. He has a preference for bright, cheerful clothing of all styles. He is very... *ahem* well hung.
His demon form includes black batlike wings, each about ten feet long. His horns curl like a rams', and are a dark grey. His brown eyes lighten to a tawny gold, the iris expanding to encompass the whole visible eye and his pupils becoming slitted. His teeth turn into very large, very sharp fangs. His canines are around four inches long when fully extended.
When Female - Yes, he genderbends quite frequently. Julius loses about 5 inches. Her hair gains more of a wave, and her features soften greatly. Pouty lips are a key point of her face. She is fairly average in bust for her height, and has an hourglass figure.
Clothing - Bright, colorful clothing! Fashionable of course, and usually very casual. T-shirts and jeans are his usual.
Personality - Julius is a cheerful, dramatic guy. He is a diehard romantic, a supreme flirt, and considers himself a true Casanova. He is, in his own words, a lover, not a fighter. He would rather write poetry than kill a guy, though he's better at the latter. He is confident in everything he does, and very patient when he really wants something. He is willing to work for what he wants, but not otherwise. He's spoiled as well, since he is so very capable. Very few things present a true challenge to him. Luckily his teacher beat out a lot of his narcissism, though some still remains. He doesn't take failure very well; that's where the dramatics come in.
It takes a lot to piss Julius off. He usually just yells and whines about whatever irritates him, but if it's a truly serious situation, he will get serious as well. Of course, he is still dramatic; he figures if he makes enough of a show of it, he won't have to get violent.
Character History - Julius was born to Vicente and Azazel (and Lilith, his biological mother) as the fourth of a clutch of five. He was the only survivor, and their precious baby boy. Azazel, of course, lived to spoil him to death, and Vicente worked to temper that so his third son would not end up as messed up as his other two. He seems to have succeeded: Julius is fairly well adjusted, if not as independent as Kale or Gabriel.
His childhood was fairly uneventful: at 400, or 14, he started his lessons to become a fully fledged incubus under his big brother, Zacharias. They did not go well: Julius was a spoiled, whiny brat, and wanted his hand held through the lessons. Zach refused to do so, and forced Julius to use his head and figure things out for himself. It was a good if frustrating experience, teaching Julius patience and making him learn to apply himself.
He came into his own over 200 years of lessons, though he was (and is) still a dramatic and slightly spoiled brat. He'd learned how to charm the ladies, and the ease of which he could seduce a woman made his ego swell. He fell in and out of 'love' quickly, bored with his many conquests.
Then he met Ariana, and everything changed.
Ariana is a Veela, fated to have one mate, and one mate only. When Julius happened upon her and started to lay on his moves, she was spiteful and cold to him. He saw her as a challenge, a true conquest. He pursued her, put everything of him into that pursuit. He fell in love with her, or rather, the thought of being with her. In truth it was just as shallow as any other love he ever had. Still, when Ariana eventually rejected him, he was heart broken.
He ran home and fell into a depression, and it was only Zach who got him to start climbing out of it. Years passed, and he met Ariana again. This time, he did not pursue her. He became her friend, enjoyed her company, and told himself quite clearly she was not interested. His friendship got her kicked out of her clan, taken away from her sister, Marie. He vowed to bring the sisters together again, and after calling in the family, led a raid on the Veela and stole Marie away.
Ariana fell in love with him, and he her. After dancing around each other for a few months, they got together and lived happily ever after.
Then Ariana died, and Julius was left alone. He didn't let himself fall into a depression; he knew Ariana would come back to him.
So he waits, watching for the next reincarnation of his beloved wife.
As an incubus, Julius has many powerful abilities.
Healing Factor - You can chop off his head and he'll just laugh at you.
The Pull - Induces arousal and pleasure in his targets. A full pull is called a Soul Feast. It can kill a lesser man (or woman. He isn't picky.)
Magic - Julius is the son of a powerful vampire. He has skill in magic spells of all schools, but specializes in augmentary runes.
Transformation - Julius can shift to a demonic form and a female form.
Strengths - Julius is strong against blessed silver and the sun. Holy water affects him normally, and he is allergic to garlic. If he is not given entry to a place, it is very difficult for him to enter.
Equipment - He doesn't have any. His claws are enough.
Companions - A hybrid Nightmare named Nightshade. Nightshade is a stallion, and just as energetic and reckless as his rider.
Notes - Julius is young yet, and his story is coming together as I play him. He is very fun to play around with, and I look forward to developing him fully. He can also be drawn as a girl!
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