W00t! New character! blaugh (Sort of. He's been around since May, but he hasn't had a profile until now. And yes, I did jank the old Cafe Mocha profile skeleton.)

Δ−−Ρεαδ τηε Ναμεταγ—Δ
Cameron Tachibana is my human name. My name from back home is Qamtzhari Lujunkuryanor. No, I don’t expect you to be able to pronounce it nor remember it.
Δ−−Μψ φριενδσ Χαλλ Με—Δ
Cam. It’s easier to remember than all of that mumbo jumbo that is my full name.
Δ−−Ι∍μ Λεγαλ Ι σωεαρ—Δ
I am about 19 in human years…but I’m actually 130.
Δ−−Ι χαν σεε μψ ηουσε φρομ Ηερε—Δ
I’m about 6’2”. Apparently, I’m rather tall for a human, but I'm not used to being this close to the ground.
Δ−−Ωηψ∍σ ιτ γοττα βε αβουτ Χολορ—Δ
I’m from a species of alien called the Fainkodara and I was born on our home planet of Aera Cura. People tell me my name is Japanese, but I don’t know what that linguistic group is from so I usually tell them I’m human…and that gets me funny looks.
Δ−−Ιτ∍σ μψ Ωαψ ορ νο Ωαψ—Δ
I honestly couldn’t tell you because in a human perspective our gender roles are kind of funky, so I’m just going to say “meh” to all of that.
Δ−−Τηισ ισ ωηο Ι αμ—Δ
From the people I’ve met, I have a decent personality. I’m an artsy kind of guy and I like being around other humans, but I also really enjoy my alone time. However, I really don’t mind being bothered if I’m in the middle of something, so I guess I am pretty social to the bone. Hmm? These? Oh yeah, I guess you would assume that I really enjoy music because of these headphones. Well, I do to an extent, but they are mostly for hiding any traces of my “alien-ness” that may pop up every now and again. So, if you ever see me and I look like I’m jamming away, I’m probably not.
Δ−−Ωελχομε το Μψ Ωορλδ—Δ
Like I said, I was born on my home planet of Aera Cura, and I’m considered royalty there since my parents are the head of our city. It’s really nothing special, people just think it is, especially the humans. At least, they did when they got there.
How they found us, I have no idea, considering Earth is a reasonable distance away, but they did somehow. What even surprised us more is that they actually set foot on our planet. Very few foreign races do, and they usually burn up before they even get a chance, but these humans were wearing suits that prevented that. Well, we were pleasantly surprised by these visitors, as we’re not a hostile people, but the humans were scared of us at first. (I suppose 11 foot tall orange ram people are scary to them… *shrug*). After they got to know us a little better, they finally explained their motives and turns out they wanted a few of us to come with them back to earth for “research”.
Being the curious creature I was, I volunteered, so I was brought here, made a few friends with some scientists, and they gave me this stuff that could make me look human so I would blend in better. Even though I find Earth fascinating and I’m enjoying my time here, I really wish it wasn’t so cold.
Δ−−Μψ Σπεχιαλιτψ—Δ
My powers are mostly fire based since my planet is, more or less, engulfed in flames almost constantly. Why have fire abilities when there’s so much fire around already? I personally don’t know the answer to that question, but it’s just what I was born with.
Δ−−Ι ωιση Ι χουλδ δο Βεττερ—Δ
I tend to be kind of spacey (no pun intended) and I have trouble paying attention to things. I also have a problem with being a little too matter of fact with certain things and I come off as rude or a know-it-all, which isn’t the case…I just don’t really understand how some things work around here.
Chibi-Speck · Tue Sep 13, 2011 @ 12:17am · 0 Comments |