So it's been almost a full week since I've been in college, and so far....? I STRONGLY DISLIKE IT!!!! gonk
Well, to start off, I should probably say that I moved three hours away from home. Keep in mind that I can't drive (no license) because I'm not too fond of cars.. talk2hand Anyway, this means that I won't be able to return home much. Usually, I probably wouldn't care, but I don't know I single person here. Not a one. I'm all by myself... crying
I live on campus and have a roommate, but he's usually never in here, so it kind of makes me feel a little more lonely. Plus our interests and personalities aren't exactly a matching pair, so I don't really see us being friends, per se. My biggest issue is probably the music. He likes rap, and I like... well... NOT rap. neutral
People on my dorm floor (I live at the top) aren't exactly... I don't know, worthwhile in my eyes, for lack of a better word. A good portion of them act like idiots most of the time. Just last night I had rap music BLARING outside of my door. Like DIRECTLY outside my door. Also keep in mind that these walls are quite thin (I can regularly hear my "neighbor" play Guitar Hero and talk on the phone), so it pretty much sounded like that horrid music (if you can call it that, these lyrics were disgusting) was in my room. AND I could hear it through my headphones... scream
When it comes to meeting new people, my social skills aren't exactly up to snuff. I'm terribly bad at it, and tend to avoid it, so I'm just one big pile of silent awkwardness around unknown people. Plus, I don't think it helps that I have a somewhat "unapproachable air" about me, as I've been told. And from what I've seen so far, I'm the only "gothic" person in any of my classes and whatnot (I used quotations because such labels are beneath me).
I really wish I could make some friends, but it's just really difficult for me... I keep being told by my parents and friends back home that I've only been here a week, but I don't see much improvement happening. cry Whenever I hear people in the hallway, I usually wait until they're gone to venture out. I just don't want to deal with them. I mean, yes, I'm a guy, but for some reason I don't really enjoy the company of other guys that much, depending on their personalities of course. Which also contradicts something else entirely, but that's a whole other story. xp
Well I guess my mini-rant has drawn to a close. Hopefully things will begin to pick up and I'll have someone to talk to soon. Till next time, I guess.
Veneficus Monstrum · Fri Sep 02, 2011 @ 01:30am · 1 Comments |