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Read at own risk, this entry is very long.
Note, for the footnotes, it is recommended you read them while you go through the story, it will help prevent confusion. AND NO BITCHING IT'S TOO LONG. I meant for it to be the longest because there is a lot of pent up issuses to resolve for being powerless all month. Sue me if you're not happy and I'll have you thrown out of court mrgreen

Wavering in and out of semi awareness, I was barely aware of the drone of voices coming from my captors. As their various arguments and civil conversations waxed and waned, I slowly became aware I knew one of the voices.

"If she's going to be surpressing the demon within better, she has to be able to withstand all sorts of attacks," the man in the hood hissed. "She's of direct descent of Lady Gracilis--the strongest of all blue dragons. She can withstand the extreme voltage."

"But her life meter--!"

Shoving the man in the helmet aside, the man in the mask cranked the wattage running through the bars of my cage. "She can handle it!"

"Papa?" I asked as darkness surrounded me.


Sitting up, I shielded my eyes from a blinding white light. Hearing muffled yelling, I looked about and saw Lord Avondale, my guardians, Shalimar, and Wynn had somehow managed to find me. Sensing something immediately to my right, I turned my head to look.

"Sai Badetwan!" (+1) I exclaimed, pointing at the dragon's version of the Grim Reaper. Why I pointed I had no idea--it just seemed like a good idea at the time. Realizing what I had done, I immediately kowtowed. (+2) "...If you're here...then I'm dead?"

"Not quite, Lady Mirrd," (+4) Badetwan replied. "Your coil may be dead for the moment but it will take much more than that to destroy your core."

"So am I or am I not in Sheol?" (+4)

"Where the hell do you think you're at?" an irratating, hated/loved, and familier voice snapped from my left.

"Sirrd!" (+5) I growled, spinning to face her and automatically reaching for my Louies or Dinos--both of which were still missing. "I'll tear you apart with my bare hands!"

"I would like to see you try!" was the response as my negative twin transformed from her humanoid form to her demon form (+6).

At the last moment, I transformed into my dragon form to counteract the attack. Roaring and snarling, the two of us attacked and defended against each other; the force of our attacks radiating not only into Sheol but into the moral realms as well. Snarling, Badetwan attempted to seperate the two of us, but only recieved a fireball in the face and a tail shot across his back for his troubles--the combined attacks knocking him out cold. Most of my fighting was with my claws, horns, teeth, claws, and tail because I had not yet recovered my powers yet. Roaring, I spun about as Srrd threw two fire bolts at me. Feeling the bolts harmlessly fly by, I growled in triumph as my tail struck the senstive place between her jaw and shoulder.

Crashing to the ground, Sirrd glared up at me. Transforming into her humanoid form, she lifted the humanoid form of Badetwan onto her back and ran.

"Oh the HELL you are!" I howled, as I turned into my human form and chased after her. (+7)

(+8 )
Deep in the earth in between the living and the dead--mostly in the dead--lies the castle of The Skull King.

The dead King sat on his throne as he wondered about the troubles taking place in the world of Gaia: he wondered about Shalimar and how she is able to change his tools of death and destruction to even greater weapons of anihilation, he also wondered about the captors of his friend Dragon who were dressed like his servants, and he also wondered about the large surge of power that just took place.

It felt like Dragon.

The King's thoughts were interrupted however...for it seemed there was a visitor in his domain.

Nogard burst through the large iron doors of the dead castle and walked on the long red velvet carpet with skulls embroded on it. She took a glimpse at the walls and saw the vast amount of skulls moving around like if it was a sea of souls. "Nice touch" she said, looking right into the Kings glowing red eyes "Not as nice as mine...but still nice."

The King's eyes grew brighter and brighter as she came closer and closer "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY CASTLE!?" the king demanded as he stood up quickly with fire licking from his ribs like a out of control fireplace "Get out of my castle or I will be forced to kill you before Dragon does!"

"Now now almighty king, is that any way to treat your guest?" Nogard asked with a laugh "I have a gift you might like any ways". Nogard looked back at the large open door with a smile "Bring him in to meet his new master." After saying this, a group of Nogards men haul in a large body of a ghostly dragon. "My Lord...meet Badetwan, reaper of dragons."

The Skull King's eyes light up--not with anger and hate--but with excitment and wanting. How ever he paused for a moment and looked at Nogard.

"What kind of a fool do you take me for? Why are you giving me this?" he asked raising the top his left eye socket to make it look like a raised eyebrow "If I remember correctly, you and I are enemies!"

Nogard smiled "Well perhaps we can change that...with this peace offering?" Her servents lowered the body to the ground where it hovered just inches away.

The king looked at the body with a evil smile and walked closer to it as the shadows of his close that looked like a black smoke followed him, he then stoped right in front of Nogard "What do you want from me?"

Nogard smiled and let out a giggle "One simple little thing: Kill her."

The King looked at the dragon reaper then back at Nogard as he thought about his disicion, If he took the deal he would get the chance to be the most powerful being in the world with no one to stop him...but at the same time he would end up killing one of his greatest friend and ally...but he would also obtain a new servent to add to his vast collection of deadly allies...and yet he invoke he wrath of all the others who love Dragon. "I...can't."

Nogard's eyes widend "Think of the possibilities! You could have the world in your dead shadowed claws!"

"But...Dragon is my friend..."

"You have no use for friends! You are The Skull King! Mortals fear you, hate you, despise you!"

"No...they are my frie-"

"They are Nothing! Only Skulls in your collection! Only warriors in your army! Only game that you will hunt! You have never been accepted...not even in life!"

The King's eyes burned with hatered as the shadows that made his clothes flung from his body and formed a huge cape (+9) revealing his body of bone and fire (+10) the hood that covered his skull (+11) flew off and revealed his whole face, the only shadow left that wasn't the cape was his claws which also grew in size "YOU KNOW NOTHING OF MY PAST! NOW TAKE THIS BEAST AND LEAVE!"

Nogard backed away in fright for a moment then collected herself and stepped forward once more.

"But I do know," she said with a slight tremble in her voice as she tried not to look into his eyes which seemed to draw her attention "I know all about you now...face it Sai King...the time-lines are coming together...the world powers are going to come face...you have seen it first hand from past to future!" Nogard shouted pointing at him "You know all to well about the wars and strugles of man, dragon, neko, demon, and dead! BECAUSE YOU WERE APART OF IT!"

The King's eyes dimmed as the shadows quickly formed around his body once more and his hood hid his face except his dead smile. "You're right...it wouldn't be the first time i would betray someone...I have betrayed them all..."

"All for power...take my gift Sai King...or it would all be for nothing."

The King looked at the reaper as his red eyes came back glowing from under his hood "Its a Deal..."

The King held out his hand with his palm facing the dragon reaper and fire shot from it like a valcano "Awaken...and become my servent."

Nogard smiled as the fire engulfed the beast and it started to rise. Without being noticed, she slipped away.

SK closed his hand as the beast stood before him, it let out a breath and said "What is thy bidding my master?"


As Sirrd slunk out of some castle, I sneaked up behind her. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I lifted Sirrd off her feet and over my head to smash her against a rock. Muttering the same spell I vaugely remembered Lord Avondale muttering when I was a hatchling, I merged Sirrd's body into my own.


Gasping, I clutched my chest and sank to the ground. Somehow, when I was merging Sirrd's soul with mine (thereby permanently sealing her away) I had a momentary flash of some woman by the name of...Aries?...kidnapping my daughter and one of my friends. Even as I began to wonder how I could go about rescuing them when stuck between worlds, darkness enveloped me yet again.


"Dragon, can you hear me?"

"Ye--owch!" I exclaimed as my doll ears reappeared and wings exploded from my back--not only was I at full power, but I had 150% more power now than I originally did. Remembering what had happened when I was between realms, I sat up. "Get me my Louies and my Dinos."

Trying to push me back down as my guardians hurried off to do my bidding, Lord Avondale said, "Dragon, you're not well enough to be up and about."

Glancing at Wynn as she trudged in, I said, "It's not your fault she's gone, so I'm not angry at you." Glaring at Lord Avondale with my one good eye, I snapped, "I'm angry at YOU for leaving her alone like that."

"Leaving who?" Lord Avondale asked looking between Wynn and I. "Wynn, where is Shalimar?"

It had been almost a week since the kidnapping. Looking down, Wynn dug at the floor with her shoes and mumbled somthing about Shalimar and Squirrelly having being kidnapped. Before Lord Avondale could begin shouting, I took my weapons from my guardians, grabbed Wynn by the hand, and left.

Spluttering, Lord Avondale followed after us and asked, "Where are you going?!"

"To get my daughter and friend back!" I replied. "You can either stay behind or come with us."


When we had gotten to the place where I sensed that Squirrelly and Shalimar had been taken, I forced the group to break up to better find one or the other.

I quickly found Shalimar outcold in a cell in the basement. A quick check over revealed no cuts, bruises, or broken bones; but I would only be reassured when I could get her home and scan her for any internal bleeding. Removing my coat, I fashioned it into a sling that I could carry Shalimar in and made my way through the rest of the castle. Hearing an explosion from the south tower, I headed that direction and began to climb the stairs.

At the base of the stairs, I came across Ikkit and Tikki bleeding from their ears and noses. After adding them to the sling, I continued my way up the spiraling staircase and came across others to put in the makeshift sling. Toshi and Bubba were covered in cuts from the broken stained glass window above their bodies. Foxxy and Fluffy had simply passed out from the pain of too many broken bones. Moochi and Wynn had combinations of the ailments the others had. Just as I had put the last two in the makeshift sling--which still felt very light despite the weight of eight small form guardians and Shalimar--another explosion rocked the tower.

Cursing because I had yet to find Lord Avondale, Squirrely, or this Aries person; I sprinted up the last 1000 steps and burst out the door--tripping over Lord Avondale's and Squirrelly's crumpled forms. As I knelt to check their pulses, something knocked my Louie bats out of my hands and over the edge of the tower. Cursing, I set the sling down and drew my Dino swords in one fluid movement. "Is that you Aries? Show yourself!"

Laughing, Aries appeared on the other side of the tower. "So you are the mother of the dragon-neko abomination I have in my dungeon. Do tell, how does one make a halfbreed like that?"

"None of your damn business," I growled, turning as Aries floated to the right.

"I do wish you would tell," Aries said. "The strength in that child is phenomenal...although...you are much more powerful than her now."

"You can do to me what you wish," I snapped. "But if you lay one more hand on my daughter or any of my friends--regardless if they are here on the tower or elsewhere--I will kill you."

"I don't plan on just taking your power," Aries said, suddenly flying at me. "I plan on taking the power of all those in Gaia!"


Rushing forward, I clashed my Dino swords against Aries's spectral nails. As it had been between Nogard and I, the fight between Aries and I became so intent and fierce that the force of our attacks caused the ground to rumble and spectral shockwaves to richochet through Sheol. At one point, Aries had driven her nails through one of my wings, thereby taking the power encased within it--but I had retaliated by slicing off the arm that had reached into my wing. When she drove a foot through my knee to absorb more power, I gouged her thigh--if she had a mortal frame, the femoral artery would have been severed and the fight would have ended quickly. Backing away from each other, Aries and I paused to catch our breath. In one last final attack, we surged towards each other.

Passing each other, we slid to a stop after a few feet with our backs to each other. After a few seconds...we both fell.

Aries had gouged a bit of my spirit out through my stomach. I had sliced her midsection in half. While I was kneeling and clutching my stomach, Aries's legs were still standing and her upper body had fallen off. Wincing, but knowing I would survive, I gathered Squirrelly's body from behind the entrance to the top of the tower, placed her body and Lord Avondale's body over my shoulders, replaced the sling, and left.

After a few moments, Aries chuckled. "Stupid Dragon. Does she not know she only has an empty shell? I still hold the soul."

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Dragon student
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Apr 01, 2006 @ 08:43am
(+1) Badetwan: Pronnounced ba-DET-wane

(+2) Kowtow: To kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in expression of deep respect, worship, or submission, as formerly done in China.

(+3) Mirrd: My true name in dragon tounge. When one is dead--or mostly dead--nicknames and aliases cannot be spoken, unless you're The_Skull_King. True names also cannot be said in the Common Language.

(+4) Sheol: The abode of the dead in the Bible. Being an agnostic, I have never read the Bible; I only learned of this place in Anne Rice's Memnoch the Devil. In the sense that I am using Sheol, which is probably contrary to the Bible's Sheol--and certiantly contrary to Rice's Sheol--my Sheol is where both the good and the bad dwell until they decide to be reincarnated.

(+5) Sirrd: Nogard's true name.

(+6) Nogard's Demon form: Just like nicknames and aliases cannot be spoken while one is dead--or mostly dead--quasi forms (such as Nogard's dragon form) cannot be attempted; it is either full humanoid form or full demon/dragon form.

commentCommented on: Sat Apr 01, 2006 @ 08:45am
(+7) Running instead of flying: I did not have the required stamina to both keep myself in air and chase after Nogard. I did not want to amble after her in dragon form because she was crossing through Slayer Territory where not only she would be hunted for her demon form, but I would be hunted for my dragon hide (and dragon hide is much more treasured than demon hide in that particular locale)

(+8 ) Quote: Mostly written by The_Skull_King, spell/grammar checked by me (as best as possible anyway ^_^ ) with some very small edits.

(+9) Skully's flaring cape: Skully says: "Think Spawn."

(+10) Body of bone and fire: Skully says: "Alright...my body is a skeleton...my muscles are made of fire except my bones are on the outside and the fire is on the inside I would go into more detail but i think you get the gist 3nodding "

(+11) Skully's hood: Skully says: "It looks like Ravens hood from Teen Titans, if you have ever seen that show or read the comic." If not, clickie and look at the pictures along the right.

(+12) Spectral nails: Aries is only a violent spirit right now. The Dinos can counteract both physical and spiritual power. The Louies can counteract both physical and magical powers.

Dragon student
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Dragon student
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Apr 01, 2006 @ 08:46am
I started this at 11:59pm CST, I finished it at 2:39 am CST. I had to make three seperate comments because you can only apparently have 2k characters. *shrugs*

I will not be continuing the Squirrelly-Aries story, that's strictly squirrelly's thing. You'll have to ask Squirrelly if/where she'll continue/finishing it off. If she's feeling nice, she may just tell you what is supposed to happen in the reply pm.

EDIT @ 2:59am CST: Anywho. I emailed those who I figured would need to know about this information. Bedtime now and I'm probably going to wake up in time to start catching the storyline updates. *points at my siggy* Happy birthday to me! It's April 1. You know you love me. Draw / donate? going to bed now...

commentCommented on: Sat Apr 01, 2006 @ 08:30pm
@.@ so much to take in......

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Apr 02, 2006 @ 12:15am
Whoa.... Great writing.... As usual, Dragon-chan.

Now I can't feel my heart though. gonk

commentCommented on: Sun Apr 02, 2006 @ 01:34am

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