Mira is watching reruns of Kelly's show and Leon comes in. Makes a comment about hearing something about Kelly sleeping to the top. Mira denies it, saying she was pregnant so why would she. Mel says "Maybe she was giving people rain checks" Mira turns around and tells Mel to shut up, that she doesn't know what she's talking about. Leon leaves, and then Mel replies that she knows a lot more than Mira thinks. Mira is just trying to bury her head in the sand and it would take a tsunami to make her even look up.
Mira accuses Mel of treating Kelly like the dirtiest scum on earth when she's the one who half raised her. Mel says that she loves Kelly then turns it on Mira, saying she can't even give Derick one thing(calling him dad) after he gave her everything. He gave her life.
Mira says not to bring derick into this because she loves derick but mel isn't even giving Kelly human respect.
Mel says that all Kelly taught Mira was how to run away and be a coward.
Ash: Mira says "and you're mom taught you to be a backstabbing b***h just like her!"
Kiki: That was it ^_^ lol Mel would kind of fall silent and I can see anyone who has gathered to watch covering their mouths like "Ooooh... wrong thing to say...." Mel would sniff roughly and then run her hands over her hair, trying to calm herself down from crying or saying something, but in the end she can't stop it. She takes a few slow steps towards Mira, meeting her sister's eyes and not letting the other woman look away. "A backstabbing b***h? Is that what I am? Then fine. You want a knife to the heart, Mira? I can give you that and so much more. You're mom is a slut. She's a slut, and a liar, and a coward, and she had the audacity to raise her to believe differently. Leon was right. She slept around with her coworkers even when she was pregnant with you. She had a terrible reputation that everyone in Hollywood knew about. She didn't agree to the Casting Couch, she designed it, built it, broke it in, then charged for each use. And not just her coworkers and superiors, she made out with Drake's dad, Ashton. Yeah, didn't know that, did you? Made out with him not too long after she got dumped by Dad, which happened AFTER she lied to him and told him she miscarried you. She was lying from the beginning. And she was a coward, because when things got hard, she cut. People pushed her buttons and she would try to kill herself, once when she was pregnant with you, and that's why your twin brother died when he was born. Because your mother was an idiot and cut herself up even though she KNEW the risks it would put on her children. She was a slut, and a liar, and a coward, and a terrible mother. She was an unreliable employee and she picked fights with people on set. Your mother was the definition of a Hollywood b***h."9:20 PM
Kiki: But let me guess.... it's too much? =/9:20 PM
Ash: Question really fast. How and why does Hollywood know or care about a soap opera star from Florida? lol9:21 PM
Ash: But no, it's perfect. =)9:23 PM
Kiki: Darrell spread it to make sure Kelly would never work in show business again. He may not be some high-powered agent, but he's built up connections and contacts, saved up on favors from people.9:25 PM
Ash: Oh okay. I got it. So in response: Mira would wipe at tears that are just barely starting to fall from her eyes now, swallow thickly, then answer in an even tone. Not like screaming or anything. Just like talking normally but with the obvious strain of holding back tears. "I hate you, Melody Grace Jacobs. I hate you and I wish we were never related." then she'd run out with an arm over her eyes to hide her tears from everyone around watching. I can see Ashton catching her in midrun with an arm around her waist in some other part of the house and asking what's wrong and she just sobs into his shoulder for FOREEEEEEVER! Half because she can't believe Mel was so cruel and half because she hates herself for saying what she did before she left.9:29 PM
Kiki: Mel would stand there for a few seconds after Mira ran off, but then whisper "Surprise, surprise..." Then run off out of the house. She wouldn't expect anyone to come after her.9:34 PM
Ash: This should happen like right before Mel gets the record deal. She's working her tail off on her demo and Chance is at practice or class nearly 24/7 so they hardly see each other. So the day she's going to leave is when they finally get to talk. I can see Chance coming home that day of the fight and the first thing he sees is Mira a crumpled pile of tears in Ashton's arms and this helpless look on the guy's face and for the next several weeks Mira refuses to sleep in her own room so Chance says enough is enough and drags out of her what the heck is wrong with her. So he's got that heavy on his shoulders for a day, maybe two before his confrontation with Mel the day she leaves.....yes? no? maybe?9:40 PM
Kiki: Yes =)9:41 PM
Kiki: Poor him, torn between his sister and the woman he loves....9:41 PM
Ash: I know right?9:46 PM
Kiki: lol So, plan out their confrontation?9:47 PM
Ash: First, who do you think Mira would be more likely to confide in. Like....how would Ashton try to get it out of her?9:50 PM
Kiki: Same way Viraj did with Farrah. Letting her cry, holding her, asking her to tell him what happened. Except he'd be much more romantic about it than Viraj was. Ashton would stroke her hair and rock her back and forth, whisper "It's okay," and "You're gonna be fine" over and over again, then when she was calm he'd take her face in his hands and wipe away the last tears with his thumbs and very gently ask her "Do you want to tell me what happened?"9:53 PM
Ash: Chance would be more forceful like "Mira, what did you do to Mel? -silence- What did she do to you? -silence- Come on, I know you two fought but Mel's not talking so you'd better tell me what the hell is went on here or I swear I'm gonna.... -at some point has grabbed her shoulders and shaken her to get her attention but stops and makes fists in the air trying to get a hold of his temper- Mira, you're killing me here. You know that? Please, you've gotta tell me or i'm taking this to dad because you and Mel can not continue to live like you hate each other and I can't continue to sit back and watch it!" then she might tell him. But she'd probably be more willing with Ashton who would tell Chance who would confront Mel. But I can't pick. Which would you rather do?10:01 PM
Kiki: I see Chance confronting her, but she just breaks down again. As Chance walks off, frustrated and worried, Ashton goes after him and tells him everything. You know, one of those "She might hate me later and never want to see me again, but I have to do something because you're right - they're sisters and they can't keep this up forever." kind of thnigs.10:04 PM
Ash: Okay so we do both confrontations.10:09 PM
Kiki: Right.10:10 PM
Ash: Sounds good to me. Wanna plan it out?10:10 PM
Ash: Or leave it the way we vaguely have it10:10 PM
Kiki: I gotta go to bed in an hour and I don't know if I'll have the time to email tomorrow with the move to the new department (but I'll do my best and try to get on from my phone if I can't manage it from the computer)...10:12 PM
Kiki: So yeah, let's plan it out =)10:12 PM
Kiki: Speaking of planning, are you... writing all these conversations somewhere? Because I know I wont' be able to remember the directions of most of them lol10:12 PM
Ash: Okay cool ^_^10:12 PM
Kiki: Yeah lo10:16 PM
Ash: So......maybe Mira tries to go to Ashton's room every night after crying in his arms and refusing to tell him what's wrong.10:17 PM
Kiki: Right.10:18 PM
Ash: What would Ashton do as the nights progress?10:18 PM
Kiki: Hm... When it happens again, he'd let her crawl into bed with him and he'd hold her and kiss her forehead, but after only a few minutes he'd be like "Mira? Mira, look at me. Stop crying... Stop, and look at me. What is wrong? This is the fourth night in a row. Tell me, now."10:21 PM
Kiki: But all of it is very gentle. The words are a command, but his tone is a very soft request.10:21 PM
Ash: She'd shake her head and try to hide in his shoulder, like nuzzling into the crook of his neck. she'd say kinda in a sort of whiny voice, "I'm sleepy, Ashton. Can we talk about it tomorrow?"10:29 PM
Kiki: "No, no, no, we can't talk about it tomorrow, Mira. Because when tomorrow comes you'll ask to talk about it the next day. And then again the day after that, and the day after that, and you'll never tell me and you'll never stop hurting. Please... trust me..."10:31 PM
Kiki: Distracted? lol10:42 PM
Ash: Just typing lol10:43 PM
Kiki: Okies ^^10:43 PM
Ash: -sigh- "Baby, please...just...-rubs her hands up and down his chest-...let's just go to sleep. We can talk in the morning... -looks up at Ashton then sighs again- Mel's agent has been telling her stuff about my mom, like really bad stuff. She was acting all like...stuck up and stuff like she was better than my mom and like mom was a terrible piece of dirt and it made me mad and...she was saying all these horrible things like that mom was a slut and was sleeping around with everyone on the set of her show when she was pregnant with me...and that she tried to kill my twin brother and me on purpose...stuff like that...and so...I said...that I hated her...and that...that I wished she wasn't my sister...." She'd be crying again by that time, trying to stop. Then she'd grab Ashton's shirt or (if he's shirtless) his shoulders and beg "Please don't hate me! I hate me, and I'm pretty sure Mel hate me. I'll just die if you hate me too!"10:45 PM
Kiki: He'd pull her into him, not letting her clutch him so much as he is craddling her into him, and whisper "I don't hate you. I could never hate you. You two said some really terrible stuff to each other, but I don't hate you, and... And I'm sure it's the same for Mel. You're her sister, Mira. Nothing you do could sacrifice her love for you, I know it."10:48 PM
Ash: "But she won't even talk to me!"10:49 PM
Kiki: "Well you wouldn't talk to me about it until just a few seconds ago. She's just as hurt and embarrassed as you are, maybe even more than you are. She's going to need time. And with Chance always at practice she doesn't have someone else to be there for her like you have me..."10:51 PM
Kiki: ((Switch the last two sentences around, sorry lol))10:51 PM
Ash: Mira will slide her fingers up and down his chest, like trying to distract herself by playing with her hands. "I'm scared..."10:54 PM
Kiki: "I know... -kisses- I know... -kisses- But she's probably scared too. If it'd help, I can talk to her? Maybe absorb what's left of her anger before you talk to her... -kisses-" lol Sorry for all the kisses if she's not in the right mood, but with her stroking all over his chest and abdomen he cant' really help it xD Sorry... He's just a guy!! xD10:57 PM
Ash: hahaha xDDD totally nothing to apologize for! <3 She'd welcome the distraction, even wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling herself up against his body and kissing him back. but then when he offers to talk to her she'd shake her head, kiss him again, then be like "No...you know I'd want you there if it helped, but Mel...she called me a coward with my head in the sand. I don't think getting someone's help would do anything but prove her right...."11:05 PM
Ash: "I'm not a coward, Ashton...I'm not..."11:06 PM
Kiki: "Then let Chance talk to her, -kiss- He'll notice soon and he'll do for her -kiss- what I've done for you... -kiss-.... -kisskisskisskisskisskiss​-"11:07 PM
Ash: Aaaaaaaaant...cut scene! ^_^11:09 PM
Kiki: =D Yay lol So Chance going to Mira and then Ashton telling him next? Or go straight to Chance confronting Mel?11:11 PM
Ash: Well, I already just put what Chance and Mira would do....she wouldn't tell him anything and he'd stalk away all angry and.....11:12 PM
Kiki: Okay, then cut to Chance and Mel.
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