
Name: Tatsumi
Age: Unknown
Race biggrin emon
Allegiance: Hell
Height: 6"8'
Weight: 142 Lbs.
Weapon(s): Hell Blade of the Devil
Personality: Tatsumi Is very destructive when he fights to the death and becomes a demonic insane killer and will harm any of his opponents even sometimes his Demonic Instinct takes full control over his body and he can even injure one of his Comrades that he fights by their side.
History: Tatsumi was once a delinquent human that always got in fights and he would kill someone like he did with couple of his opponents that he fought. Tatsumi found a rusty blade and the demonic power from the blade engulfed all of his feelings and he became a cold-hearted Murderer and that wouldn't feel any sadness or guilt if someone was killed by him or in a car accident or anything else that killed the people.
Username: Outlaw_Star45446