Hiya ~ I'm magic and in january 2011 I joined the exchange
And so I get into money making. I'd like to see my friends grow too. So if you think you have a feeling for the market ~ Give it a shot and take the risk
So the basics
Exchange is actually nothing more then buying things for cheap and sell it again at mp value or trade it for something with a higher value.
How do you do that?
1. go to the exchange forums
2. Click on an interesting topic
3. offer on an item
and how do I offer
1.Look up the items at mp
2. Value the item but NEVER EVER EVER offer more then ABP and LMP
yeah ~ you should be ashamed if you don't know how to do that
Check the pure amounts in it
It would be stupid if you get less gold and be honest when someone gives you to much
Put the right amount of gold in it yourself ~ some people don't ask for the gold they miss and Report you or you can lose a lot of gold.
Sell it again in mp or exchange
1.List it as lmp or almost as lmp (depends on the sales volume)
or sell it at exchange but I recommend being patient and sell it mp
your stuff should be gone ater a night of sleep
So more about offering


Cash Shop Items

Rig Items

Hard to sell?

Long Time Investment
I'm not well known with this

SDPlus Dolls
They can be wonderfull moneymakers ^^
Good Doll

Average Doll

Bad Doll ~ I wouldn't buy unless it's for own use

So a few points to round this
Never Buy Above ABP ~ you gonna regret I can ensure youn that
Check the Sales Volume ~ If it has no Sales then don't buy
Check the items stability does it deflate or inflate a lot
Watch out with new items ~ they deflate fast except for Rapid Ei's (still depends) but then still you have to hold them for acouple of weeks
And when you lose on an item you have to decide if you want to keep it for own use or if you gonna sell it for less
I think that's about It I hope It was usefull ^^
If you have a question feel free to comment or to PM me
I'd like to give you advice but I can be wrong too