~The Holy Order~

Lyra Lillith-Palatine
Wandering Adventurer
Daughter of the last grand master Angelus, his death hit her the hardest, causing her to spiral downwards into feelings of despair, and causing her to steal an artefact from the order's vaults and leave. She returned, but with her husband away himself, she saw nothing for her in the order any more, and so took her daughter and left to go freelance. A master of swordsmanship, she inherited her father's abilities, but has not had much success in controlling them, but has also gained the ability of regeneration when a scientist infected a city full of people with a meta virus.

Zia Lillith-Palatine & Seliphara
The daughter of Lyra Palatine and Gabriel Lillith, she is barely a toddler, and already has inherited her mother's regeneration and the mantle that means like her father she will be chosen when older. Seliphara is a pearl dragon, the last of her species, who's egg was given to Zia while she was still in the womb, and in the care of Lyra, it hatched on the day she was born, the two becoming eternally bonded, even into the days of Neo Jerusalem

Freya Lillith-Palatine

Nathaniel Palatine
Head of the Order of the Seeker
Son of the last grand master Angelus, he inherited his mother's demonic traits, he can often be brash and hot headed, but his strong sense of what is right and courage is what has allowed him to climb the ranks to lead his order.

Eltharion Ãarfalas
Elven Swordmaster
A high elf who joined the order long ago, he is responsible for overseeing the training of many of the members who were raised from a young age within its walls, as well as maintaining the skills of all other members. He is contented with his current rank within the sword, just below the top, and had never made any aspirations for its top spot. During the battle within the city with the scientist who spread the meta virus he lost both of his legs and his right arm, but they were replaced by cybernetic prosthetics which he has now adjusted to.

Guennean Tegan
Order of the Sword Second Lieutenant
Most often seen alongside her closest friend Alicia, the two forming a strong bond and making a great team. Guen is a young and talented member of the Sword, even going so far as managing to acquire herself a Glaive.

Sir Benjamin Knightley
Gentlemanly Technopath
Within the capital city of the country of Anayis, This inventor runs a humble Curio shop on the side as a hobby alongside his work he does for the Royal Institute. A genius with any technology, it literally bends to his will at his touch, and is famed for his iconic airship he created, though was displeased the technology has been replicated in warmachines.

Clockwork Marvel
Knightley's first 'daughter', she is a life size doll made entirely of brass with clockwork innards and a porcelain face, given autonomy and self awareness by his genius with working the aether. She acts as his aid within his workshop, putting her re-configurable body to good use.
~Neo Jerusalem~

Aurelus La'Crois
Shining King
A Brash youth from another world with his own strong sense of what is right, it has come to light that he is actually a king, but tends to try and get away from it all, something that his royal guard tagging along prevent him from forgetting doing so as easily. Extremely skilled with blades, his main arsenal consists of Hel, the weapon handed down amongst the line of those chosen by sol, and a pair of soulswords which have fused themselves into the markings on his arms, able to be called forth at his will. Amongst his inherited traits include two forms of shapeshifting, into blades or a strange lycan-lion hybrid. In battle, his fighting strategy focuses on dealing as much damage as quickly as possible, and uses fast and devastatingly powerful attacks to achieve this.

Axel Lillith
An enigmatic young beastkin, she both bears an uncanny resemblance to Alisa as well as some unknown grudge against her, along with the desire to beat her in combat. A master of defensive manoeuvres and abilities, as well as armed and unarmed combat, she isn't to be trifled with by most. She arrived in Marshall city one day with her Twin brother in tow, and her best friend not far behind, running into a few citizens before deciding to join and aid Haven.

Alexandria La'Crois
Wayward Princess
Born of Aurelus' own womb thanks to the Ethera's ability to do so, she bears traits of all three of her parents just like her twin brother. Along with her other siblings, much of her life even outside school has been spent preparing her for her future where they can, though this has lead to Axel's ultimate desire to surpass Alisa and prove herself, as well as going back in time with the help of Blake's son and 'meddling' a little, though it seemed everything she did is pre-ordained.

Alistair La'Crois
Soulful Prince

Leander Ashendale
Shining Guard
The leader of the shining guard, he is very carefree and is rarely seen without a smile. He is a member of the Solar tribe of radiant elves, and so his hair, eyes, and marking upon his body all glow with radiant light. Frofficient in channeling his holy mana and converting it into fire, he prefers to fight up close and personal with a pair of clawed gauntlets. He and Aurelus have a friendly relationship with each other as he is the only amongst the group who treats him as his equal, which is what he seeks.

Alexus Aldavir
Shining Guard
One of the Ethera, no one is quite sure of her age, but asking is the surest way of getting yourself a great deal of pain. The stalward defender of the group, she can come off to most as cold, but there is a friendly side under there. It is also believed she has a thing for the king. Experienced in fighting with a sword and shield, and a master of holy Lightning, she is extremely swift.

Caiphas Demetrious
Shining Guard
Described as the "old man" of the group, as though Leander and Alexus outstrip him in age, he has begun to show his age the most in his personality, as he has always been rather gruff, though is also very philisophical. At his hip he carries a large tome hung upon a chain, and he wields large two handed hammer, through which he uses his ssonokenisis to great great shockwaves.

Beatrice Cartwright
Shining Guard
The youngest of the group, outwardly she appears very timid and shy, but mostly is just quiet, and is most often found with her nose in a book. Specialized in the use of polearms, namely wielding a halberd, she can also channel her holy talents through the medium of ice.

Ptolomaeus Clau'dis
Shining Guard
The 'paragon' of the group as some would say, he is well spoken, caring, and extremely difficult to anger. He wields two Glaives, each a short scimitar, and is an expert in counter-mage warfare, negating their spells and absorbing their mana, removing their greatest strength to leave them vulnerable. Through his relationship with Nianna he has come to be referred to as 'Toley, and enjoys the moniker.

Sigma Leader
Leader of the Sigma unit of the Haven's Platinum Knights, she appears to have some vendetta against the Blackguard, though amongst the ranks that is unfortunately common.
~Banner of Death~

Ciara MacNair
The Deathchilde
The daughter of the horseman death, she was conceived in secret before the horsemen made their attempt to ride, and left in the care of her father in case her mother's plan failed, which invariably did. After discovering who her mother was she vowed to hunt her down and any who worked for, and had begun using one of death's scythes to meet this end, along with her inherited powers she is gradually mastering.

Agent of Death
Once a noble warrior within his clan of rats, he eventually grew distant from them and wanted more, so left the clan despite warnings, but was hunted down by some of its members. Left bloodied and dying in the sewers, it was there Ciara came across him and her gift kicked into action, giving him a second chance at life, or unlife, as he became the first agent to work at her side.
~Forces of Light~

Renarde Thorne
Dealbound Destroyer
The youngest boy of the Thorne family of hunters, he was granted with the gift of directly controlling entropic energy in its purest form, his blood was also a cure for vampirism, though in trade-off for this it meant the majority of his life was spent suffering from anaemia. As he grew and became stronger, however, his deal began to slowly and subtly mutate, and when he tasted the vitae of a vampire he suddenly came to embody a true hunter of their kind. The cure is gone from his blood, but so is the illness, and now with fangs just like them he can feed upon vitae to make himself even more deadly.

Ceceliae Thatcher
Knight of the Rose
A unicorn who lived within a secluded fae vale, she is an experienced healer as well as user of spirit magic. When the knight Thatcher stumbled across their settlement and began to win their trust and respect, he also won her heart, and now the two are inseparable.

Densharr Demetrious
Wandering Knight
Brother to the shining guard Caiphas, Densharr was seen by their tribe as just as much as a pure soul, though rather than going down the same profession he chose to become a cleric at a temple, and then eventually a wandering knight,

Avatar of Fire
The unborn child torn from a certain demoness' womb, nobody knows the truth of her heritage save her father, who committed the act, and more recently herself. Kept as his slave for years, she befriended the Djinni who is now bound to her, and from there when Angelus freed her from slavery she journeyed until she discovered the floating isle that she turned into a sanctuary for the beings under her charge, as well as any others coming in peace.

Eyes of Fate
An ancient fortune teller, believed to be the current oldest living human Navitas, perhaps even having origins in when the original race flourished. Most of the time he is known just to travel amongst ordinary circuses, reading people's fortune. His eyes are always covered by a blindfold of some sort, save for during a reading, but it is these that are the gateway to his power of sight, and he also seems to be able to unlock hidden potential within his tarot deck.

Seeress of Fate
Around three hundred years ago Shae took on an apprentice, a young girl with great potential, and Tilly was that girl. Just as Shae has his cards as a focus for his ability, she found a strong connection with keys, carrying a few upon her, as well as carrying an ornate staff shaped like a key.
~The Nightmare Court~

Demon general
Once a man who had fought for the light, his mate was captured by the horseman war, and in a bid to rescue her the two did battle. War was triumphant, and so he offered up himself in exchange for her freedom, and so became the destroyer. During one of the battles he was encased in ice by his mate until she could break war's grasp over him, but that day never came, until recently the unleashing of the blood and the nightmare child released him from his prison.
~Inquisition of the Black Sword~

Ferus Clau'dis
Knight-Captain Inquisitor
Member of the Inquisition of the Black Sword, he fiercely believes in the teachings handed down to him, to the point he doesn't care what lengths he goes to if it means eradicating the taint that he sees as encroaching upon this world.

~Forces of Darkness~

Margarette Mordant + Beauregard
Vampiric Aristocrat
Just seven years old when she was turned, she inherited her family's estate and riches after her parents died "mysteriously." Though she mostly keeps to herself, she has a vicious streak and is extremely adept with mind manipulation abilities.
Beauregard, her retainer, is a male she turned herself and holds within her thrall, accompanying her wherever she goes to ease the suspicion of a young girl all alone.


Navitas Blademaster
One of the last survivors of the Navitas race that seems to have surfaced once more since they were thought extinct with Wishmaster's demise. His motives are mostly unknown, but seems to be working for someone against the Order
~Those Lost Between~

Created In a laboratory alongside many of her kind, this tabby cat was designed to be a walking drugs factory to be sold on for pleasure purposes, but barely ten years old and only just out of the tank she was grown in, she somehow escaped and is now out in the wide world without a clue.

The Descendant Shard
Just like Aurelus' soul contains a shard of Angelus' that was scattered during his death and subsequent ascension, this being places its core at another of these shards, but this was thrown off at another time in the paladin-come-deity's life, embodying much of the pain and loss within his arduous times, and being drawn towards the shard within Aurelus.

Luneth Darkblade
Drow Dragonslayer
Blade specialist and once rival of Livian when they lived in the Underdark, Luneth is able to tap into the energies of the ethereal and the void to negate all magic that is sent his way; plying this ability in his chosen trade as it is lethal against creatures of a magical nature. His ultimate goal is to hunt an elder dragon, but until that time is complacent to aid his newfound friends.
~The Heavenly Layers~

Known as Angelus Palatine in life, he lead an ancient order of holy guardians, all of whom he saw as his family, though was also a family man in the more traditional sense. His primary domains are Purity, Fellowship, and Crystal. Though he is watched and prevented from interfering directly, he finds any loophole he can to give aid when needed, such as acting through the scattered shards of his soul or the blades he forged for his followers. Whenever he touches the mortal realm his mark is left by the blue crystals that grow in the presence of his radiance.

Born upon Neo Jerusalem, she was successor to its royal family, and so when the king died she was crowned queen. For hundreds of years they flourished under her benevolent rule, bearing three sons and a daughter with her husband, until the day a debilitating illness took her from them, at which point she was accepted with open arms into the pantheon of the Enlightened Crusade as an archangel.

Alexander Thorne
Angel of Death
A once extremely ruthless Charnelpyre hunter of the Thorne family, and brother to Adrian, the angel of death whom was his sponsor afforded him more and more power that drove him even more zealous and insane, to the point he was an Ace of all know dealbound powers. In an attempt to stop him and return him to mortality they targeted his sponsor, but he threw himself in the way of the attack, guaranteeing his ascension to angelhood himself.
~The Enlightened crusade~
A fairly new pantheon as far as they all go, they were formed by Angelus when he achieved his station, standing for all that is positive and holy in this world.
Crusader of Purity and Light
As it's founder, even though he holds his station as a Sovereign, he also still holds his station within the pantheon as the deity of purity and light, and thus a subordinate of Leaferian too.

Crusader of Grace
A spontaneous and adventurous young lady, becoming a wife and mother, along with her father's death, changed her a great deal, becoming a strong leader, and trying to show others how to forgive, and find the good in other people's hearts.

Crusader of Diligence
Though he also bore a fiery temper at times, it was that great fire within him that gave him the strive to never give up. No matter what he was faced with, he would always face it head on and with a squared jaw, and did it without relying on his demonic side buried deep within himself. Now he tries to keep others from straying onto the easy path that gains them power or their goals through quicker and easier means.

Lyra Lillith-Palatine
Wandering Adventurer
Daughter of the last grand master Angelus, his death hit her the hardest, causing her to spiral downwards into feelings of despair, and causing her to steal an artefact from the order's vaults and leave. She returned, but with her husband away himself, she saw nothing for her in the order any more, and so took her daughter and left to go freelance. A master of swordsmanship, she inherited her father's abilities, but has not had much success in controlling them, but has also gained the ability of regeneration when a scientist infected a city full of people with a meta virus.

Zia Lillith-Palatine & Seliphara
The daughter of Lyra Palatine and Gabriel Lillith, she is barely a toddler, and already has inherited her mother's regeneration and the mantle that means like her father she will be chosen when older. Seliphara is a pearl dragon, the last of her species, who's egg was given to Zia while she was still in the womb, and in the care of Lyra, it hatched on the day she was born, the two becoming eternally bonded, even into the days of Neo Jerusalem

Freya Lillith-Palatine

Nathaniel Palatine
Head of the Order of the Seeker
Son of the last grand master Angelus, he inherited his mother's demonic traits, he can often be brash and hot headed, but his strong sense of what is right and courage is what has allowed him to climb the ranks to lead his order.

Eltharion Ãarfalas
Elven Swordmaster
A high elf who joined the order long ago, he is responsible for overseeing the training of many of the members who were raised from a young age within its walls, as well as maintaining the skills of all other members. He is contented with his current rank within the sword, just below the top, and had never made any aspirations for its top spot. During the battle within the city with the scientist who spread the meta virus he lost both of his legs and his right arm, but they were replaced by cybernetic prosthetics which he has now adjusted to.

Guennean Tegan
Order of the Sword Second Lieutenant
Most often seen alongside her closest friend Alicia, the two forming a strong bond and making a great team. Guen is a young and talented member of the Sword, even going so far as managing to acquire herself a Glaive.

Sir Benjamin Knightley
Gentlemanly Technopath
Within the capital city of the country of Anayis, This inventor runs a humble Curio shop on the side as a hobby alongside his work he does for the Royal Institute. A genius with any technology, it literally bends to his will at his touch, and is famed for his iconic airship he created, though was displeased the technology has been replicated in warmachines.

Clockwork Marvel
Knightley's first 'daughter', she is a life size doll made entirely of brass with clockwork innards and a porcelain face, given autonomy and self awareness by his genius with working the aether. She acts as his aid within his workshop, putting her re-configurable body to good use.
~Neo Jerusalem~

Aurelus La'Crois
Shining King
A Brash youth from another world with his own strong sense of what is right, it has come to light that he is actually a king, but tends to try and get away from it all, something that his royal guard tagging along prevent him from forgetting doing so as easily. Extremely skilled with blades, his main arsenal consists of Hel, the weapon handed down amongst the line of those chosen by sol, and a pair of soulswords which have fused themselves into the markings on his arms, able to be called forth at his will. Amongst his inherited traits include two forms of shapeshifting, into blades or a strange lycan-lion hybrid. In battle, his fighting strategy focuses on dealing as much damage as quickly as possible, and uses fast and devastatingly powerful attacks to achieve this.

Axel Lillith
An enigmatic young beastkin, she both bears an uncanny resemblance to Alisa as well as some unknown grudge against her, along with the desire to beat her in combat. A master of defensive manoeuvres and abilities, as well as armed and unarmed combat, she isn't to be trifled with by most. She arrived in Marshall city one day with her Twin brother in tow, and her best friend not far behind, running into a few citizens before deciding to join and aid Haven.

Alexandria La'Crois
Wayward Princess
Born of Aurelus' own womb thanks to the Ethera's ability to do so, she bears traits of all three of her parents just like her twin brother. Along with her other siblings, much of her life even outside school has been spent preparing her for her future where they can, though this has lead to Axel's ultimate desire to surpass Alisa and prove herself, as well as going back in time with the help of Blake's son and 'meddling' a little, though it seemed everything she did is pre-ordained.

Alistair La'Crois
Soulful Prince

Leander Ashendale
Shining Guard
The leader of the shining guard, he is very carefree and is rarely seen without a smile. He is a member of the Solar tribe of radiant elves, and so his hair, eyes, and marking upon his body all glow with radiant light. Frofficient in channeling his holy mana and converting it into fire, he prefers to fight up close and personal with a pair of clawed gauntlets. He and Aurelus have a friendly relationship with each other as he is the only amongst the group who treats him as his equal, which is what he seeks.

Alexus Aldavir
Shining Guard
One of the Ethera, no one is quite sure of her age, but asking is the surest way of getting yourself a great deal of pain. The stalward defender of the group, she can come off to most as cold, but there is a friendly side under there. It is also believed she has a thing for the king. Experienced in fighting with a sword and shield, and a master of holy Lightning, she is extremely swift.

Caiphas Demetrious
Shining Guard
Described as the "old man" of the group, as though Leander and Alexus outstrip him in age, he has begun to show his age the most in his personality, as he has always been rather gruff, though is also very philisophical. At his hip he carries a large tome hung upon a chain, and he wields large two handed hammer, through which he uses his ssonokenisis to great great shockwaves.

Beatrice Cartwright
Shining Guard
The youngest of the group, outwardly she appears very timid and shy, but mostly is just quiet, and is most often found with her nose in a book. Specialized in the use of polearms, namely wielding a halberd, she can also channel her holy talents through the medium of ice.

Ptolomaeus Clau'dis
Shining Guard
The 'paragon' of the group as some would say, he is well spoken, caring, and extremely difficult to anger. He wields two Glaives, each a short scimitar, and is an expert in counter-mage warfare, negating their spells and absorbing their mana, removing their greatest strength to leave them vulnerable. Through his relationship with Nianna he has come to be referred to as 'Toley, and enjoys the moniker.

Sigma Leader
Leader of the Sigma unit of the Haven's Platinum Knights, she appears to have some vendetta against the Blackguard, though amongst the ranks that is unfortunately common.
~Banner of Death~

Ciara MacNair
The Deathchilde
The daughter of the horseman death, she was conceived in secret before the horsemen made their attempt to ride, and left in the care of her father in case her mother's plan failed, which invariably did. After discovering who her mother was she vowed to hunt her down and any who worked for, and had begun using one of death's scythes to meet this end, along with her inherited powers she is gradually mastering.

Agent of Death
Once a noble warrior within his clan of rats, he eventually grew distant from them and wanted more, so left the clan despite warnings, but was hunted down by some of its members. Left bloodied and dying in the sewers, it was there Ciara came across him and her gift kicked into action, giving him a second chance at life, or unlife, as he became the first agent to work at her side.
~Forces of Light~

Renarde Thorne
Dealbound Destroyer
The youngest boy of the Thorne family of hunters, he was granted with the gift of directly controlling entropic energy in its purest form, his blood was also a cure for vampirism, though in trade-off for this it meant the majority of his life was spent suffering from anaemia. As he grew and became stronger, however, his deal began to slowly and subtly mutate, and when he tasted the vitae of a vampire he suddenly came to embody a true hunter of their kind. The cure is gone from his blood, but so is the illness, and now with fangs just like them he can feed upon vitae to make himself even more deadly.

Ceceliae Thatcher
Knight of the Rose
A unicorn who lived within a secluded fae vale, she is an experienced healer as well as user of spirit magic. When the knight Thatcher stumbled across their settlement and began to win their trust and respect, he also won her heart, and now the two are inseparable.

Densharr Demetrious
Wandering Knight
Brother to the shining guard Caiphas, Densharr was seen by their tribe as just as much as a pure soul, though rather than going down the same profession he chose to become a cleric at a temple, and then eventually a wandering knight,

Avatar of Fire
The unborn child torn from a certain demoness' womb, nobody knows the truth of her heritage save her father, who committed the act, and more recently herself. Kept as his slave for years, she befriended the Djinni who is now bound to her, and from there when Angelus freed her from slavery she journeyed until she discovered the floating isle that she turned into a sanctuary for the beings under her charge, as well as any others coming in peace.

Eyes of Fate
An ancient fortune teller, believed to be the current oldest living human Navitas, perhaps even having origins in when the original race flourished. Most of the time he is known just to travel amongst ordinary circuses, reading people's fortune. His eyes are always covered by a blindfold of some sort, save for during a reading, but it is these that are the gateway to his power of sight, and he also seems to be able to unlock hidden potential within his tarot deck.

Seeress of Fate
Around three hundred years ago Shae took on an apprentice, a young girl with great potential, and Tilly was that girl. Just as Shae has his cards as a focus for his ability, she found a strong connection with keys, carrying a few upon her, as well as carrying an ornate staff shaped like a key.
~The Nightmare Court~

Demon general
Once a man who had fought for the light, his mate was captured by the horseman war, and in a bid to rescue her the two did battle. War was triumphant, and so he offered up himself in exchange for her freedom, and so became the destroyer. During one of the battles he was encased in ice by his mate until she could break war's grasp over him, but that day never came, until recently the unleashing of the blood and the nightmare child released him from his prison.
~Inquisition of the Black Sword~

Ferus Clau'dis
Knight-Captain Inquisitor
Member of the Inquisition of the Black Sword, he fiercely believes in the teachings handed down to him, to the point he doesn't care what lengths he goes to if it means eradicating the taint that he sees as encroaching upon this world.

~Forces of Darkness~

Margarette Mordant + Beauregard
Vampiric Aristocrat
Just seven years old when she was turned, she inherited her family's estate and riches after her parents died "mysteriously." Though she mostly keeps to herself, she has a vicious streak and is extremely adept with mind manipulation abilities.
Beauregard, her retainer, is a male she turned herself and holds within her thrall, accompanying her wherever she goes to ease the suspicion of a young girl all alone.


Navitas Blademaster
One of the last survivors of the Navitas race that seems to have surfaced once more since they were thought extinct with Wishmaster's demise. His motives are mostly unknown, but seems to be working for someone against the Order
~Those Lost Between~

Created In a laboratory alongside many of her kind, this tabby cat was designed to be a walking drugs factory to be sold on for pleasure purposes, but barely ten years old and only just out of the tank she was grown in, she somehow escaped and is now out in the wide world without a clue.

The Descendant Shard
Just like Aurelus' soul contains a shard of Angelus' that was scattered during his death and subsequent ascension, this being places its core at another of these shards, but this was thrown off at another time in the paladin-come-deity's life, embodying much of the pain and loss within his arduous times, and being drawn towards the shard within Aurelus.

Luneth Darkblade
Drow Dragonslayer
Blade specialist and once rival of Livian when they lived in the Underdark, Luneth is able to tap into the energies of the ethereal and the void to negate all magic that is sent his way; plying this ability in his chosen trade as it is lethal against creatures of a magical nature. His ultimate goal is to hunt an elder dragon, but until that time is complacent to aid his newfound friends.
~The Heavenly Layers~

Known as Angelus Palatine in life, he lead an ancient order of holy guardians, all of whom he saw as his family, though was also a family man in the more traditional sense. His primary domains are Purity, Fellowship, and Crystal. Though he is watched and prevented from interfering directly, he finds any loophole he can to give aid when needed, such as acting through the scattered shards of his soul or the blades he forged for his followers. Whenever he touches the mortal realm his mark is left by the blue crystals that grow in the presence of his radiance.

Born upon Neo Jerusalem, she was successor to its royal family, and so when the king died she was crowned queen. For hundreds of years they flourished under her benevolent rule, bearing three sons and a daughter with her husband, until the day a debilitating illness took her from them, at which point she was accepted with open arms into the pantheon of the Enlightened Crusade as an archangel.

Alexander Thorne
Angel of Death
A once extremely ruthless Charnelpyre hunter of the Thorne family, and brother to Adrian, the angel of death whom was his sponsor afforded him more and more power that drove him even more zealous and insane, to the point he was an Ace of all know dealbound powers. In an attempt to stop him and return him to mortality they targeted his sponsor, but he threw himself in the way of the attack, guaranteeing his ascension to angelhood himself.
~The Enlightened crusade~
A fairly new pantheon as far as they all go, they were formed by Angelus when he achieved his station, standing for all that is positive and holy in this world.
Crusader of Purity and Light
As it's founder, even though he holds his station as a Sovereign, he also still holds his station within the pantheon as the deity of purity and light, and thus a subordinate of Leaferian too.

Crusader of Grace
A spontaneous and adventurous young lady, becoming a wife and mother, along with her father's death, changed her a great deal, becoming a strong leader, and trying to show others how to forgive, and find the good in other people's hearts.

Crusader of Diligence
Though he also bore a fiery temper at times, it was that great fire within him that gave him the strive to never give up. No matter what he was faced with, he would always face it head on and with a squared jaw, and did it without relying on his demonic side buried deep within himself. Now he tries to keep others from straying onto the easy path that gains them power or their goals through quicker and easier means.