Lets see, visited mother late last year for the first time in 18 some years. We got long quite well. vised my sister heather, shes nice too. Finally Graduated high school! Got my diploma!
Am sort of fighting a "problem" i have. Have reached am impass. Well i'm alive, so far so good. Alive is good right?... neutral
Some not so good things happened, I now hate my sister's husband. Lying son-of-a-b***h...
Gaia related stuff:
Ahh Gaia i'd nuts in the winter if this site didn't exist. Not much to do when you don't live in town.
made a mini shop early this year, people love the minis. really surprised about that, couldn't get anything to really sell last year. Easter is coming the events are fun. Am hoping they'll let people hunt for eggs in towns and on the map. That way if one breaks/glitches the other will still be there. (Like what they did at xmas) A shiny crystal egg of pastel easter colors to hold in our hands, on our heads and else were would be a nice top prize. *hint hint* (don't steal idea I plan on making an avai edit)
I don't care what people say I love the events gia has in here. Fast chatting people becomes chatting people on crack! WHOOOSH super fast conversation and most everyone is wired!
As for those that complain about the items given out:
1. They are free. Stop bitching or I may slap you.
2. Gaia doesn't have to give us anything. They don't have to take the time to think up something and spend, hours, days, weeks making the items, testing them and putting together the even so that it's (mostly ) working.
3. If you don't like the events don't go.
This is the year of friends, making so many wow! ^-^ quite happy lately. Now if the migranes will just leave me alone this will be a good year.
Hopes to see in a Sealed one of these days: Big, bad a** gun twisted , hand held micraphone, if we must have anoter plushes the a gundy or a teady bear, .. maybie a pink bunny with 1000 razor sharp teeth, vampire fangs, cat woman out fit (hail-berry move miss spelled I know, will fix.) Staffs of power with big round ornante glowing jewls in them and teh jewl held up with a dragons claw. (Again Do not steal my ideas I plan on making avi edits with these. Thank you. ) (to tired i'll spell chcek this later.)