Dear Everyone.
It's finally time for me to say good-bye. It was seriously one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make...
Gaia has been a 2nd home for me, another life. I've made so many friends while being on this site, and some I'll never forget. This has truly been an amazing experience for me and it definitely changed my life.
While being on Gaia I've accomplished so much.
I've created the biggest charity, one of the biggest guilds, helped over 10,000 users and as well as accomplished my own goals and created the first ever Gaia Guide ebook.
With doing all of this on this site, it's taught me so much and I want to actually apply that in real life instead of logging one each day to a game.
You may still wonder "why leave though?"
There are a few reasons for leaving.
Gaia has become so time consuming (for me) that it's been difficult to focus on real life things, even simple things as my laundry! I think "oh crap, I need to handle this giveaway" well, it shouldn't be like that.
I'm traveling to South Africa some time around May or June for about a year! I'll be over there for over seas education and to have a great time with my brother. A new and good experience for the both of us.
Once I've returned from that I'll be attending The French Culinary Institute in New York. I'll be doing the Classic Culinary Arts, Classic Pastry Arts, Restaurant Management & Food Photography.
After I've completed that, I'll move to California to attend a business/administration school.
It's always been a dream of mine to become a chef, open my own restaurant and do the two things I love. Cook and run a business.
It's going to be a long and difficult thing to accomplish, but it's what I want to do and why not do what makes you happy?
So now that you see, staying on Gaia isn't an option. I am so addicted and I need to leave and with taking this first step, things will start moving along nicely.
I understand some of you are worried about the "Oh My Gold Guild" & "Dreams To Come True Charity" you don't want to see them just get shut down and that's understandable. Nor would I! After all the hard work put into them, it would be heart breaking to see them die off.
I've decided to split my funds up for my charity & guild.
The new guild owner for the O.M.G guild will be Gallery Of Suicide. I trust her completely and know she'll do an amazing job running the guild. She plans to keep it the same with minor changes based on the fact funds will go dry at some point.
As for the Dreams To Come True charity,
Zoey_100 & Kira-chan1756 will completely take over running the charity. They'll both have my account's password but will only ever be on to update the charity with general announcements/event updates.
A lot of you might want to stay in touch with me and if you do, that's great! I'd love to keep you updated with what I'm doing in real life, as well as become better friends via off this site.
For those who want to keep up with me, please like me on Facebook. I feel it will be the easiest way, posting updates, pictures and more <3

Also, some of you have wondered if my book would still be for sale if I had left Gaia and the answer is yes. The book will always be for sale and you can just purchase it at www.sonzack.com
The date I'm leaving is June 8th 2011, this will give me plenty of time to get things organized and rearranged and will give me time to transfer funds to the new guild/charity holders as well as get in contact with everyone and handle anything which needs to be taken care of. I won't be on a lot, but that will be the final date that I'll be here.
Take care everyone!

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