Last Name: Dayne
Code Name: BackLash (formerly DeadHead)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 183 Lbs
Hair: Bald
Eyes: Glowing Blue
Special Notes;
Head is irreparably scarred from a chemical accident
Wears a full-head mask in order to hide scars
Heightened Reflexes: As part of his evolution, Jason's reflexes are heightened to an extreme degree, allowing him to sense his opponents movements mere milliseconds after they begin. As such, this allows him to utilize his true ability to it's fullest potential.
Kinetic Blow Back: Jason's true evolution is the manipulation of Kinetic energy. More specifically, he can absorb kinetic energy with his left hand, channel it through his body, and back out through his right hand, effectively making him always hit twice as hard as his opponents.