There is no such thing as true love.
Who ever once said that, all those autors and ressigeurs they're all wrong.
Maybe there was true love some hundered years back. But true love is the only thing magic, the closest thing to it. And as the magic was perished from this world, so was true love and all true happiness. Every relationship ends. There are no soulmates, no perfect people and no endless happiness.
When you find a place where time never ends, where life is not life because your being is eternal, call me, and I'll tell you there is where you'll find what you're searching for.
Who ever once said that, all those autors and ressigeurs they're all wrong.
Maybe there was true love some hundered years back. But true love is the only thing magic, the closest thing to it. And as the magic was perished from this world, so was true love and all true happiness. Every relationship ends. There are no soulmates, no perfect people and no endless happiness.
When you find a place where time never ends, where life is not life because your being is eternal, call me, and I'll tell you there is where you'll find what you're searching for.