I blush and look away. "Sorry It took me so long guys." said the person I bumped into earlier. "Hey I remember you! I'm really sorry about earlier" I told him. "It's okay. My names Haruhi. And you are?" Haruhi holds a hand out. "I'm Jo-tan." I tell him, shaking his hand.
"Um, Kyouya-sempai, you're still holding her hand." Haruhi told him. He blushed and let go of my hand. "May I ask what brings you here my cute princess?" Tamaki asked me, walking up to me and holding my chin between his fingers, which has no effect on me. "I'm looking for a quiet place to study. Could you let go of me please?" I tell him.
I look at Kyouya and say "Hey aren't we in the same class?" I asked him. He looked like the guy that sits in the seat two seats to my right. "Yes we are. But I'm glad we finally get the chance to introduce ourselves properly." He said, kissing my hand again. "Well, I better go find a place to study before class starts again. Nice to finally meet you Tamaki, Honey, Mori, Kaoru, Hikaru, Haruhi, and Kyouya." I wave to the host club. "How do you know our names?" Kaoru asked. "I know every single person here." I answered as I start walking out of the room. "Wait! I'll come with you." Kyouya said, grabbing my arm. He turns me around and smiles. "Its the least I can do for the new principles daughter." He said. I blushed, ignoring the shocked faces of the other member of the host club.
After a hour of walking around the school looking for a empty room, which honestly felt like a few minutes, the bell rang for the next class. "Well we should get going." Kyouya said as we start walking to our class. Before we go around the corner of the hall to the classroom, Kyouya stops and grabs my arm again. I turn around and open my mouth to ask him whats wrong. He kisses me and I go limp. Kyouya suddenly breaks the kiss. "I'm sorry. I... I couldn't control myself." Kyouya said. "Its okay." I told him and smile. We go into the class room.
This is where I stopped day dreaming because my mom was calling me. Kissing?! Seriously?! I didn't have any control over that. Maybe I did but it was unconsciously. *shrugs* who knows, maybe I wanted it but didn't admit it. well thats all so bye! *waves hand frantically until you leave*