When Amanda walked out of the tent, I simply look at Kakashi with a smile. He smiles back and leaves the tent to make sure that everyone is okay. He runs back in a few seconds later and grabs my arm, pulling me out of the tent. I see that everyone is staring at us. Actually, it was more like glaring at us. My mom and the teachers run to me and stand beside me as if ready to go to war! I look at Obito who suddenly was standing by Kakashi. "What in the world is going on?" I ask the kids.
I notice that Crystal is beaten up and laying on the floor in front of the group."She's going to die! someone help her!" I yell after I simply stare at the blood around her. "If you want to save her, show us the REAL you" Precious said as she looks at my ninja pouch. I look at Kakashi and he tells me, "They know" loud enough so that the entire group can hear. I run to Crystal and start doing medical ninjutsu, crying that I might not save her. I call Kakashi and Obito over to help and they use their sharingan to copy my ninjutsu and help heal Crystal. The blood stops seeping out of her and I just look at her pale face.
"She's alive, but barely." I tell my mom. "We need to get her to Tsunade, now" I plead to Kakashi. "We can't." he tells me. "Why not? She knew longer then anyone here except." I pause.I pick Crystal's limp body up and walk up to Alora with my head down. "This is your fault isn't it?" I ask with no emotion. I look at all of the populars, who are expecting me to turn into some kind of monster from what happened to Crystal.
I start crying and I fall to my knees. "I trusted you Alora. I trusted you that you wouldn't tell. I feared that someone would get hurt if to many people knew" I sobbed, staring down at Crystal's paling face. "But it seems that two was one too many, and now, I can trust no one except my family and my friends in the leaf village," I get up slowly. "Why don't you just turn into the monster you really are? I mean, you have monster strength. Does there need to be more proof that you have some kind of monster in you?" Precious says casually. Kakashi walks up to her and gets ready to punch her. "It's ok. She wants to see a monster, they're gonna get a monster" I say simply. I give Crystal's body to my mom. "Don't do it Jordan! Its to dangerous!" She said as I walked to the group of kids. "This is my choice. now get into a safe spot where I won't find you easily." I tell my mom, the teachers, Kakashi and Obito. Kakashi and Obito make sure everyone is in a safe spot. I take a few calming breaths and build up all of my chakra. Then I make my chakra form a cloak similar to Naruto's nine-tails cloak. I then have my chakra disperse into the forest and I start building up some of the 9-tails chakra that I have in me ( ok you might be confused so I'm gonna explain something to you. I have half of the 9-tails chakra sealed in me in this dream. I guess i got the half of chakra that wasn't sealed into Naruto. BACK TO THE DREAM!).
I look at Kakashi as I let the cloak form the first tail, then the second. "I will only go to the second tail because I don't want to lose control" I tell him. "Well, you see the chakra from the 9-tailed fox that was sealed inside me. happy to see the monster within me?" I ask the populars. They start to charge at me, except Alora and Alana, and throw rock at me. I do fire style jutsus to melt the rocks as they are still in the air. Then I make an unbreakable ice forcefields around myself, my mom and the teachers, Kakashi, Obito, and all of the other people that I cared for as my friends, thinking that they could become a new target.
The populars don't know they are invincible and try to melt it with fire from the fire places. When the ice doesn't melt, they throw rocks at it. When that didn't work, they try to break it by punching it. I then control the 9-tails chakra so that it goes back into the seal. I release the ice forcefield around myself and just stay in plain sight. The populars throw rocks at me and I don't dodge. I just let myself get hit by the rocks, hoping that this will satisfy the populars' thirst for blood. When they start punching me and kicking me, I jump into a tree and heal my wounds. "Get down here you freak!" Amanda yells at me. I use a multi-shadow clone jutsu and make a million clones. "You can hit these all you want, just don't try anything stupid or you might find yourselves in a lot more pain then you caused Crystal to feel." I call down.
I then release the other ice forcefields I created and jump back down from the tree. Just then I hear a noise coming from the forest. "WAIT!" I call out to the populars as I release my shadow clones. Kakashi and Obito heard it to and stand next to me, waiting. "Hello! long time no see Jordan! Ha ha!"
CLIFF HANGER! xd you hate me right now don't you? well I won't be on for a while so after you read this go play games or something okay? well then bye for now! again. stare