Yeah, go ahead and laugh
Go ahead and smile
Go ahead and live your happy lives
but after a while
She won't be there no more
She won't be your all
She won't be there to hug
and she wont be there to call....
when your lonely
when your depressed
when your down
or when you fell like your lifes a mess
So yeah, go ahead
and hold hands
go ahead sing
go ahead and dance
but when your lonely
don't turn to me
when your hyper
I won't be there happily
I'm sorry
If you want me
please don't call me
You wanted all of me
Then why'd you leave
You're such a tease
And I'll laugh as you bleed
But what the f**k am I talking about?
Because I will be there always
Just send me a text
If you're feeling broken
I'll be there in a second or less
Fxxx The Odds Community Member |