i have many secrets but i am not telling a soul a single one. i am not going to let anyone know about them. i made promises and i tend to keep them. i no more then i bargend for but you wont know a single piece of info. if you have ever told someones secret to someone, like i did once or twice in kindergarten, you are a bad friend. I am sorry for telling the secrets, although i forget wat they were, i am sorry. i dont no anything and if i do im not telling. not even for a trillion gold coins in real or gaia. I. AM. NOT. TELLING! I.DON'T .KNOW.ANYTHING THAT YOU WANT TO KNOW. GOOD DAY TO YOU READER/READERS. hope that you all have a joyful day today and have fun with whatever you are doing. good day to you ladies and gentlemen. or good night.