Character Name: Alexander
Full Name: Alexander Volkov
Nick Names: Sacha
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birthday/year: August 5th, 1908
Marital Status: Single
Spouse: None.
Hair: Short - jet black hair with short bangs brushed against his forehead. x
Eyes: Black.
Clothing - Black suit with a white shirt, black vest and black tie. If drawn in present day, he wears a black button up shirt with a white t-shirt underneath. The t-shirt has a black logo on it and that can be determined by the artist. He wears black jeans and shoes. Ref: Suit. x
Gun: Mosin-Nagant Russian Rifle x
Origin: Unknown.
Language: American English, but he hardly speaks.
Blood Type: O
Height: Tall - 6'3".
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: Strong shouldered and lean.
Race/Species: Human of Russian decent.
Parents/Elders/Guardians: Parents unknown - possibly an orphan.
Siblings: Only child.
Friends/Allies: The Lorenzetti family who take him in because of his acute shooting skills.
Enemies: Anyone the Lorenzettis target.
Hobbies: Plays the piano occasionally, but other than that he does not really do anything of his own will.
Likes: Getting the job done - sleeping.
Dislikes: People mistreating others/looking down on others.
Fears: None that are apparent.
Strengths: Physically fit and agile. Astounding with any weapon but prefers guns.
Weakness: Does not speak - secretly worries about people.
Good Qualities: Fast, efficient, and caring.
Bad Habits: Does things without telling people that need to know.
Turn Ons: People he can protect/cute things.
Turn Offs: People who put others down - arrogance.
Normal Talents: Shooting/closed quarters combat.
Supernatural Powers & Abilities: None.
Temperament: Alexander never opens his mouth - except when necessary. He simply does what he is told - which is normally to kill an enemy of the Lorenzetti family. He does so quickly and efficiently - without the blink of an eye. The only other sign of emotion that plays on his face - other than his signature blank stare - is a confident smile. Alexander loves to see others happy but is somehow not content with his own happiness.
Reference image by Mitjitsu <3

Crap reference by me (sorry, everyone.)