Chuc Mung! Welcome To My World!
Country Name : Vietnam ( Vi Et Nam )
Age : About 2000 or something years old.
National Flower : Lotus
National Animal : Tiger

Personality~ South Vietnam ~ Smart, Tends to be hardworking has bead habits of suddenly stopping in the middle of work and demanding that someone hug her or give her ice cream and she wont go back to work until those things happen.South Vietnam is very close to Thailand, Taiwan, China, and America. She has strong feelings for both America and Her sister it often confusses her and causes her to go on long amounts of time without talking to them both at all.She hateFrance so much everytime she sees him, she'll beat him to a bloody pulp.

North Vietnam~ Cold, hard to be around.Extremly serius and violent. Hates it when her South side takes over again. Hates America with a passion. Is close to China.And thats it. China. She also hates France but if she ever saw him. Noone else ever would.

Quick info on names in Vietnam before I go on : Vietnamese names generally consist of three parts: a family name, a middle name, and a given name, used in that order. Like their Chinese, Korean, and other counterparts, this is in accordance to the East Asian system of personal names. In a deviation from the East Asian naming system, a person will be referred to either by the whole name, given name, or a hierarchic name in normal usage.
Human Name : (last)Phan (middle)Thi (first)Long.
In Vietnamese Those names mean: Long = Dragon. Thi=Poem
Human Age: 18
Birthday: September 2

Chia Tay!