xxxxxxxxxxxxSan Sae
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe Arrogant
Age: 16
Height: 5'8"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black with a red streak
Sexuality: Who knows. Doubt he's even interested.
Likes: Those who obey him, rational people, (sweets), and (chocobos?!)
Dislikes: Loud people, being told what to do, being overruled, being ignored, and many other things/people
Personality: He's an arrogant type whose demanding, crude, uncaring, and has a high pride. He hides many things from people; such as the things he likes and that he actually listens to people's problems and takes others into consideration. Surprisingly, he can be nice...rarely.
Interesting Facts: San means third child in my language and coincidentally, 3 in Japanese and Mandarin.
San is actually my manself. : D (just a hell lot more of an a** and isn't afraid to say what he wants to say)
Sad thing is, when we have a neutral mood, we look mad to others D:
I think I got it from my dad's genes...
Random Stuff About Him: [x] [x] [x]
About Nao
I doubt you'd need this info 8D
So...yea orz
Stick around and I might draw you?
I dunno...