Fayt's yellow-gold eyes looked on to the great city of Centari. He had never seen anything like that. He knew wht he had to do....just like the cravibgn for blood that inticed him, so did the beautiful girl that he recently saved. He could still smell the fragrance of the girl's perfume, he had to find her.
"The Search has begun", Fayt said to himself as he walked into the large city. He walked past the entrance and to the sidewalk. He sniffed around for the girl's scent and he caught her scent. It was strong and fresh, like she had just been there. As he walked, many people lokked at him and had different reactions. Most of the males looked at him in disgust while when the females looked to him and they smiled, giggled, and even blushed. Fayt wasn't quite used to all of the attention, it was starting to make him feel uncomfortable. He wanted to escape so he walked off of the sidewalk and into the street.
Almost as soon as Fayt left the sidewalk, he was almost run over by a black stallion in a type of hovercraft called a speeder. The speeder hovered to a stop before it could hit Fayt. Fayt rose his eyebrow and wondered what was going on. Fayt didn't know that he wasn't supposed to be in the middle of the street so he wasn't sure why the stallion looked so upset. The stallion honked his speeder's horn loudly at Fayt to get him to move out of the street.
"Get the hell out of the way! What is your problem!?", yelled the angry stallion. He continued to constantly beep at Fayt but Fayt didn't know what to do. Fayt covered his ears in hopes that the annoying sound would go away but it just kept getting louder. Fayt's ears were very sensitive sound so it was really starting to get Fayt upset. He needed to find a way to stop the painful sound.
"Hurry the ******** up and move! Move or I'll run you the ******** over!", yelled the stallion. Fayt's patience had run out and he was now past angry. He slammed his fists into the speeder's front-end and the strength of it made the speeder flip over him and then land perfectly with the stallion still in it. Obviously the speeder could no longer work because the engine was now damaged. The stallion looked in shock to what had just happened. He was basicly speechless aswell as everyone else that just saw what happened. With the sound permanently gone, Fayt could continue his search for the girl that caught his yellow-gold eyes.
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Through my eyes
This journal is gonna basicly be for my story called Fangs. Check it out.
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