This is a list of all the peole in my tribe and/or are on my list to contact when I get my Avatar roleplay up and running. In fact this is my list. Alphabetical order. (yeah I'm crazy for organization like that xp )
Doc Robert (possibly?)
-I Cptn J Sparrow I- (formerly Taronyunari)
Makto txan Hufwe
Makto txan palulukan
Ze Mew Kitty (formerly Lost With in the Mist and Grace_of_Pandora)
If you are not on this list and you want to be message me. If you are on this list and don't want to be/don't know how you got on here then message me saying so. Hope everyone is up for it! I am always looking for new members and people willing to rp when it's ready!
Infinite Eve Community Member |