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Kira Bear's Journal
I like to write about my feelings. I have been going through some tough times lately so yeah...
So lately my best friend has been having troubles with her Fiance. He's been sorta cheating on her. My friend has a 10yr old daughter who loves me to death! My friend is 32..just saying..My friends ex husband thought is a complete jerk!! I could punch him so hard!!! He told there daughter that he's gonna send my friend to jail! She hasn't done anything wrong..it really makes me mad..for someone to say that in front of a 10yr old girl. You just don't say that!! You don't go around yelling at them for their mistakes. Their gonna make mistakes. You just gotta clean up their knee and help them learn from their mistakes. It's really hard for me to see my friend get hurt..especially last night when she was crying her eyes out!! I just wanted to cry with her..but I needed to be strong and tell her it was ok. Even though I knew this was all she was gonna think about. Her fiance and her are working out their problems. He knows how I feel about him hurting my friend..which if they do work it out..I will take back some things I've said to him..just cause I'm a good person like that..and I know he can be a good person too. I mean their my neighbors and friends..they're like my aunt and uncle! I love having my friend to talk to. Cuz I can tell her anything and she won't get mad or tell my parents..I could talk to her all day long!!!! She's a really great person and loves me to death. I just hope things work out for her and her fiance..cuz I don't know if I can handle her moving away.. :/ I just needed to get this off my chest.

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