For some reason I'm having a horrible day today. I mean it didn't start out that way. I thought that I was going to get some packages from family and I didn't. It was a big dissapointment. Well of course I checked again and I saw two little pink slips so I'm like hellz yeah! Because I really needed a pick me up right well they said that I should've picked up two packages like last week! I went in there everyday last week and I only got some letters. Hopefully I get my stuff soon. I was late to all of my classes today and that made me feel really smart. One was understandable because I got lost going to Grimsley Hall and what not. My phone went off twice in the middle of Chemistry when I put it on silent {still trying to figure that one out} I forgot to salute one officer and I felt soooo stupid! I didn't even see him. I also kept almost falling asleep. Being away from this place was so nice I didn't want to come back so right now I'm wondering why I'm here, why the hell am I paying all of this money for them to yell at me and all of this s**t. I can't wait for parents weekend.