Age: 16 years old.
Gender: Female.
Height: five foot four.
Maggie not only looks totally insane; she is. The girl never stops smiling, and it's hard to stay glum around her. She has an obsession with stars, triangles, and earrings shaped like food - especially carrots and watermelons. She wears wigs, with really short ginger fuzz under them, so you can give her any hair do you like.
Secretly a witch, she can see spirits as well as Allen, but for different reasons. He gained the ability in a near-death experience, but she trained herself to see them. The witch blood helps too.
Wears bright colours and long skirts, but is a little more fashion-coordinated than Chester. Her outfits, although outrageous, actually look like they are supposed to be that way. She has a black star-shaped tattoo on her left breast, just hidden by her top. If you ask to see it, she will shamelessly show you. Fairly well built, a little short for her age, and toned through exercise - no one would guess that that exercise is exorcism. You need more than mirrors and smoke.
Throughout the story, Maggie finds herself in love with Allen, but it is one-sided and she does not want to come between him and the ghost of Chester. Beneath her bubbly, slightly irritating exterior, she has actually got quite a deep dark core. Nobody has ever seen her cry.
You could draw her being rejected by Allen, or doing something... strange to both him and Chester, Her cooking is questionable - who would actually eat rosebud and caterpillar pie? By the end of the story, she dies so that Allen has a last chance to speak to Chester. It was her greatest self-sacrifice, as she knew that dying in the World Between meant vanishing completely from existence. You could draw her on the floor, bloodied and smiling as Allen kneels by her. She kisses him as she dies, and he weeps. When he opens his eyes she's just gone. Vanished without a trace.