Linnie's TekTek Shop
Welcome to my lazy Journal shop. This would be located on my main account, but my journal there is reserved for Character Profiles. Anyway, let's begin.
~A Few Simple Rules~ 1: You must be patient with Linnie because she does not have a stable internet connection yet. It may take a few days for your order to come through. 2: Payments may only be made via trade. If you do no t have a trade pass, or don't know what one is, please go visit the Gaia bank. 3: Use your words. Linnie really can't stand to put up with people who don't read what they write, or write what they read. If Linnie can't make heads or tails of your words, Linnie WILL ignore you. -Has no patience- 4: Please only send one for at a time. If you want multiple tektek's, wait until you have received your first.
That is all.
How this all works? Well, let me tell you, You fill out the below form and PM it to my MAIN account (Linnie Izan), start a trade with my MAIN account (Linnie Izan). Linnie will then accept ONCE. Soon after you will receive your tektek via PM. This is when you will finish the trade. Remember it takes time!
What can I pay with? Pure gold Wish-list items Common/ Shop items (with a MP or sell back value equal to your bill)
How much does it cost? A regular tektek, with or without an enviro, is 2k. An enviro only tektek is 3k A cosplay is 2k
What is an 'enviro' tektek? An enviro tektek uses the items from your inventory. You must go to>Dream Avatar> Invintory tektek and follow the instructions. **NOTE: Not all items will show up (especially new items) from your inventory, please check it over before sending to make sure you aren't missing anything. If an item appears to be missing, please include it's name on your form. **NOTE 2: New items to not appear on tektek right away. If you wish to have new items used, you may need to wait. Sometimes it is almost a week, or even TWO before new items get up. Especially if there are allot of them.
Gender: Body Tone: Eye Colour/Shape: Hair Style/Colour: Price limit: Items you would like included: Enviro link (optional, please include missing items) : Payment method:
Linnie McMuleington · Wed Aug 04, 2010 @ 04:18am · 0 Comments |