Oh. My. GOD. Just so y'all know, the AC is working it's mechanical BUTT off, and it's still and average 84ยบ EVERY DAY inside my house, never mind outside. I think I heard somewhere that this is a new summer temp record, but believe me, I wish I were living in Greenland. I have locked myself in the house. I have planted a huge portable fan in my face. And add to the extreme heat a humidity level that is... well... extreme, and you get... *drumroll please*... HELL. Which is where I live, btw.
On top of this wretched heat, I also have the ever-growing doom of summer homework looming over my head, and yet for some stupid and incomprehensible reason, I always think, 'I still have a while left! I can start tomorrow and still make it!' Curse you, procrastination! AND I just got my schoolbooks and I screamed (almost). I have no idea how these teachers are going to force all this knowledge on us in less than a year. It's too much! My books have NEVER been this humongous! And I'm not counting my history book, which is so big, we've been spending the last 3 years on it, and we are STILL not done with it. I weighed it once, and i clocked in at 13 pounds. Isn't school wonderful?
I hope the rest of you out there are having fun this summer.
From Anime13Chick
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