My History on Gaia and zOMG! Part 2 - The Bloodhounds
The Bloodhounds Was an unfortunate victim of the times. Despite having many committed and mature members, there were some flaws in the way we built the clan that ultimately led to its falling apart.
The first and foremost flaw we made, was assuming that just the three of us (Tal, Zee and myself) would be sufficient crew. Initially, this was fine, however, as time stretched on, it became more obvious that we did not have sufficient time between the three of us to give the clan the maintenance it needed.
Tal's absence during the later stages of the clans life was also a big problem. Due to the constitution set in place, decisions could only be made final with the Blood Hound Lord Alpha's consent.
I did appeal for select members to be made into mods, but this was too little too late... especially when moths passed and I still had no reply from Tal.
Anyway, I could ramble for hours about the flaws with the clan, but I would rather tell of the great things of the Legendary Bloodhound Clan.
The Bloodhounds was a truly beautiful thing. Not so much because of what we, the Lords did, but because of our truly magnificent members.
Mature, but not afraid to joke around,That's what I loved about those guys.
In the year or so that the clan was alive, I can only remember one truly controversial event that caused real Drama in the clan ( and sadly I played my own part in that mess). This event cost us several members, but did not shake the clan in any way. There was one other instance in which I recall having a member blacklisted, but that wasn't exactly drama as the entire clan was unanimous on the action.
Fun fun times in the Hounds.
As I said though... Vitim of the times... The Bloodhounds started to die out due to our, the lords, negligence just before zOMG! began to actually become widely playable and not just a laggy clusterf***.
Regardless, many good times were had, and I wouldn't mind having those times back...
In fact.... I even tried to revive the clan by myself once... It was during this time that I first heard the name of a little underdog clan... known as Shift.