My life has been so confuseing latley.
First off I've just discovered I might have depression and it kind of makes sense. Not really feeling emotions and such, not wanting to do things. Perfectly fine with being alone. Now it's just about telling my mom about it. Problem is I don't know how to tell her. It's not like I can walk up to her and say "Hi Mom! I might have depresion isn't life great!" stressed
Second off : Some chick is randomly nicley hateing me and it's really starting to piss me off. gonk I mean seriously even when I hate someone I kinda almost make it clear to the person.
Thirdly (Thought I was going to say third of huh?Yeah to pretictable and kinda sounds weird) : It's summer and I randomly can't write during break. And yet I have writing classes I'm takeing
Fourthly : I've had problems with sleeping. I stay up way to late and my feeding time for myself is out of whack to.
5th: My Mom has been such a b***h lately! xp "Omigosh I'm so tired from putting hearing aids in peoples ears," And kinda makes me do some unessesary chores. Like putting towels in her bathroom. She didn't even tell me about it the first time she wanted me to she just kinda expected it. neutral
6th: The list is way too long for me to handle right now.
So if anyone actually reads this and wants to offer some advice please do. I'ld be glad to hear some. Plus id you think I'm being a whinney b***h about things then your kinda right. I don't really go around screaming this stuff, I'm just figureing this Jurnel to be my venting space. Lol I really need it.
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Dreamer's dream log
I have weird dreams, so I like to write them down.
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