Community Member
Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 @ 07:56pm
Red Cloak, or Blue Cloak?
Red Cloak, or better known as Aka Manto, haunts the last stall in the girls restroom in Japan. When a girl walks in, she will hear a weird noise coming from the last stall and will walk towards it. When you get close enough to see him, a man wearing a golden mask and a red cloak will come out and walk up to you. "Do you like the red cloak, or the blue cloak?" He will ask. If you say red, he slits your thoat, or cuts off your head. The blood trails down your back to show a red cloak. If you say blue, then he will strangle you, or two large hands come up from the floor and drag you down to hell. There is a funny rumor of a third cloak. If you say yellow, then he will stick your head in the toilet and you will smell piss forthirty years.