Up, down, and over.
Start and ogain.
Uh, y’nut y’tnl GNS.
Re:Form-Oot, EUU.
Within lies both instructions and
How to find what the other part of 'both' means.
And in that lies a reference to a phrase,
Albeit convoluted.
Answer - Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero - Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the next.
Guesses from 16194 - 16232
Clues: The first paragraph is both your details on how to decode, and the code itself.
The second is your key to the answer and an apology for why it won't make too much sense.
Riddle re-written on page 16199, original version at bottom of entry.
0 - 9 -
A - Afterlife
B - Both
C - Carp, Carpe Diem
D -
E - EU (the)
F -
G - Grandma's House
H - Heaven
I -
J -
K - Kittens, Konami code
L - Long live the King, Love
M - Mountains (Mountain-valley system)
N -
O - Ocarina of Time
P - Pacman, Pig Latin
Q -
R - Redundant, Reincarnation, Repentance, Rollercoaster
S - Super Mario
T -
U -
V - Video game cheat, Viva as Vegas
W -
X -
Y - Yoda (speak)
Z -
Uncategorised -
This isn't so much a guess as it is a hypothesis: it looks as though the second part of the first paragraph of the riddle is the exact same as the first part (of the first paragraph).
Uh = Up
y'nut = down
y'ttl = and
GNS = over
Re:Form-Ooh, EUU = Start again."
Edit: GNS could equal and, and y'ttl might equal over.
To each his own.
Riddle me this.
I'm lovin' it.
The code comes out to 'usurp the day for now turn atman yond to don't ogle vague in urns'. I shall not say how I figured it out. You can try and decode it yourself.
Tying your shoelaces.
Live Long and Prosper.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Live life day by day, and don't look back.
Seize the day/
If not now, when?
Gather, girl, the roses.
Remember that you are mortal.
Quam minimum credula postero.
Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the next.
Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.
Original Version of Riddle -
Up, down, and over.
Start and again.
Uh, y’nut y’ttl GNS.
Re:Form-Ooh, EUU.
Within lies both instructions and
How to find what the other part of 'both' means.
And in that lies a reference to a phrase,
Albeit convoluted.
I just went through my riddle and, I realized I must've slipped up somewhere. So, if you guys run into the letter combination of -d-a-t-h-, ignore it.
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