Remember that little note you wrote in Someone's bottle?
Some people decided that you wrote the winning message, and has declared you BEST IN BOTTLE. You and ____ have both won a 250 Gold prize. Congratulations!
michelle489: arrow Original question: ok im thinking of a glee member...who am i thinking about?
biggrin Your winning response: The aweome one biggrin
Autumn the Muffin: arrow Original question: I gotta jar of dirt~
biggrin Your winning response: I gotta jar of dirt, I gotta jar of dirt, I gotta jar of dirt, and guess whats inside it, I gotta jar of dirt, I gotta jar of dirt, I gotta jar of dirt, I gotta jar of dirt, and so on biggrin
Marshie Mule: arrow Original question: Blondes, Brunettes, or ______?
biggrin Your winning response: Purple hair people biggrin Demon_soulex: arrow Original question: Hi. Hi. I am Nappa and this is Vegeta. He was a prison______. Fill in the blank.
biggrin Your winning response: All I know its from Dragon Ball Z biggrin
Lunafonteles: arrow Original question: What is your favorite car?
biggrin Your winning response: the old beat up ones that look like there going to fall apart if they are just looked at... opps biggrin
GreenPacman333: arrow Original question: favorite subject?
biggrin Your winning response: That would be art biggrin
Matsuto Taisho: arrow Original question: What do you like the best about Gaia?
biggrin Your winning response: I'll have to say, .... Talking to wonderful people like YOU!!! biggrin
zakktheback2: arrow Original question: hi
biggrin Your winning response: Hey biggrin
The Posthuman: arrow Original question: Anyone watch Dexter?
biggrin Your winning response: Eric loves Dexter biggrin
dragonrider0207: arrow Original question: What is you favorite videogame? Mine are the Kirby video games. Don't copy mine!... unless you really mean it.
biggrin Your winning response: Well I have to say that I love the kirby game for the N64, and all the other games that you can play on the N64 biggrin
COT GEKKO: arrow Original question: Ironman or the Hulk
biggrin Your winning response: Ironman all the way biggrin
Nephilym: arrow Original question: Religion: What's your flavor?
biggrin Your winning response: Life biggrin
Fluffy Kitty Luva: arrow Original question: Gummi bears are (answer here)!
biggrin Your winning response: Awesome-ly awesome!!!! biggrin
Bast Night: arrow Original question: I feel very happy right now. Whoever tells me the best "happiest moment of my life" story wins.
biggrin Your winning response: The most happest moment in my life was when, i had the worst day ever in the world and at the end of the day, my boyfriend got home and gave me a candy apple ... and a kiss biggrin
Krystallia Blue: arrow Original question: Do you like Mirai or Barrett better?
biggrin Your winning response: Sorry Barett, Mirai has way better style biggrin
Gothicgirl18: arrow Original question: What is your favorite food?
biggrin Your winning response: Well in general im a food lover, and a candy lover, and popcorn and chips lover ... I share the love-in biggrin
Nightbare: arrow Original question: What's your favorite brand of clothes?
biggrin Your winning response: I like Bluenotes for their awesome jeans and prices biggrin
Hyugai Hinata: arrow Original question: What is your favorite game?
biggrin Your winning response: All the N64 games biggrin And I love Link biggrin
Bubba Thompson: arrow Original question: hey [:
biggrin Your winning response: Hi How are you? biggrin I like the panda-ness biggrin
Ghettomancer: arrow Original question: Argh Matey! Ye found me bottle!
biggrin Your winning response: Argh, Yupper I found yer bottle, and now a secrect note, *turns around scribbling on the paper* Yer i'm done, Argh! I'll send it back to yer. ( The note said: ARGH!!! ) biggrin
Aquablue1234: arrow Original question: I can't believe that all the gaia items have increased at the market. Last year, it was much cheaper...
biggrin Your winning response: Heck ya, I've been on Gaia for a while now,.. cant remember which year, but a long time ago, back in the dayeveryone was amazed at 100,00.00 gold now its like okay what evs :O biggrin