❝All my life, whenever it comes time to make a decision, I make it and forget about it. ❞ -Harry Truman ✘ ωɦȧҬ'ș iɳ ȧ ɳȧϺϵ? ✘ Dr. Asher Haydn Price, usually referred to as Ash or Doc.
✘ Ϻϒ ȽʘʘҞș ȧʀϵɳ'Ҭ ҬɦȧҬ ɗϵciϵviɳɡ ✘ Male.
✘ ȧ ɗȧϒ ȽiҞϵ ȧɳϒ ʘtɦϵʀ ✘ June 23rd, 1913
✘ Ҟișș Ϻϵ, ϒʘu FʘʘȽ ✘ Asexual, really. He can love, but as for attraction, or romantic interest- it's rare, if it occurs at all. His affections, however, are indiscriminate.
✘ ȽϵɡȧȽ ʘʀ JȧiȽѢȧiҬ ✘ 33
✘ ȧ Ҟiɳɗ ʘf ɦʘșῬiҬȧȽiҬϒ ✘ U.S.A., and proud.  ✘ Iɳ Ҭɦe ȽʘʘҞiɳɡ ɡlȧșș ✘ Something of a rugged gentleman, Asher's thick brunette hair is often shaggy- his pale hazel eyes often bloodshot- but when needs must, he finds his ways of cleaning up and making himself look pretty damn good. He doesn't tan, so much as fry in the sun, usually; he does however occasionally darken a bit, or develop freckles about his cheeks and nose. He's technically supposed to be wearing glasses of a relatively strong prescription, but he'll be damned if he's seen wearing those in public.
His voice is mild and gentle, though whether for kindness or a kind of weakness, it's rather unclear.
As for his general state of dress, it differs, of course, depending upon the occasion. But when working with caustic and possibly harmful materials, he wears the crappiest jeans he can get a hold of and some old white button down; on the street, it's relatively more of the same, though less with the worn out state of things.
✘ Ѣϵɦiɳɗ Ϻϒ ϵϒϵș ✘ Asher, for all that he might appear somewhat standoffish and aloof, is rather a goodhearted man. He's really, truly a sweetheart- a complete softy. All he's ever wanted to do was help people. Of course, his mission and the view of his ultimate goal became somewhat warped as time passed, but never mind that.
He's a patriot, though not the sort to fight for his country in a conventional sense. His brain, he reasons, is worth more to the U.S. at large than his minimal brawn.
✘ ωɦȧt ϒʘuʀ ҬϵxҬѢʘʘҞ ωoɳ'Ҭ ҬϵȽȽ ϒʘu✘ From past to present, your history.
✘ ʀuȽϵ tɦϵ ωʘʀȽɗ ✘ Ambitions, motives, and everything in between.
✘ Ҭuʀɳ ȧ ѢȽiɳɗ ϵϒϵ✘ Your most notorious bad habits, sins, and vices.
✘ Fʀϵϵ ҬiϺϵ ✘ How much you have, and how you tend to spend it. 
✘ Ҭɦϵ FȧϺiȽϒ Ҭʀϵϵ ✘ Any and all relations.
✘ FȧvʘʀiҬϵș ✘ Likes. Explain briefly.
✘ ȽʘȧҬɦϵș ✘ Dislikes. Explain briefly.
✘ Ῥʀizϵɗ Ῥʘșϵșșiʘɳș ✘ Anything that you love dearly and must have.
✘ șʘuɳɗҬʀȧcҞ ʘf Ϻϒ Ƚifϵ ✘ Drop Da Bomb by Dr. Steel Zerstören by Rammstein
✘ ϵxῬʀϵșșiʘɳișϺș ✘ What colors represent speaking, thinking, and other such things. ✘ Ѣϵɦiɳɗ Ҭɦϵ șcʀϵϵɳ ✘ Use this space to explain yourself, mainly the number of hours you spend on Gaia, past experiences with literate roleplays, etc.
✘ ȧ șȧϺῬȽϵ ✘ Provide a sample of your writing, please.
Posted by: Whigg Sat Jun 05, 2010 @ 04:15am