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[oneshot] gwee the dragon
Title: Gwee the Dragon (incomplete)
Author: xbigbangx
Genre: drama, humor (fail), fluff..ish.
Length: oneshot
Summary: Jiyong accidentally broke Seunghyun's favorite toy, Gwee the Dragon, and tries to make amends by fixing the broken toy himself. Only, he failed miserably and so he came up with a new plan.
A/N: It's really long. I'm surprised it turned out so long. I was originally gonna have it really short but in trying to have it make more sense it turned out into this. Well, hope you guys like it.

Seunghyun stared in shock at the mess in front of him. He looked from the floor to Jiyong's shocked and guilty face back to the floor. It was a collectible, a rarity. It was one of the most wanted items in the whole collection and only 100 of them existed he remembered. It was one of his most favorite collectibles, aside from his bear brick collection.

"You... you.." Seunghyun attempted to say, only accomplishing to mutter incoherent words and syllables that did no justice in expressing what he felt at that moment. He was shocked, outraged, sad. How could he do this to him?!

"Hyung, I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't mean to do that!" Jiyong attempted to appease Seunghyun as he frantically apologized.

"But Ji! It was a collector's item!" Seunghyun exclaimed in outrage. "I know, and I'm sorry. But it's just a toy! You can get another one!" he countered.

"Gwee the Dragon is a limited edition toy that only has 100 in the entire world!" Seunghyun exclaimed angrily. He was positively livid. He was yelling and was so tempted to just punch Jiyong in the face.

How could he just destroy one of his most prized possessions?" Seunghyun screamed out, frown marring his features as he breathed in and out harshly.

"Oh yeah, sure hyung. As if you slowly turning into a bear brick yourself with that weird panda hoodie isn't bad enough. What is the huge deal over the friggin' toy anyways?" Jiyong yelled back, starting to get annoyed as Seunghyun snapped at him. He was overreacting. He didn't have to get so angry. Jiyong felt like punching something. Not Seunghyun, never him, but a pillow or something.

"It's important to me! My appa gave it to me when I was a kid. It was the first present I'd ever gotten from him." Seunghyun explained darkly.

Jiyong faltered at that. Sure, he felt bad but Seunghyun was a 23 year old fully grown male, why did he have to be such a child and collect such a vast amount of creepy toys?

"O-oh. I... I'm so sorry hyung. I really didn't mean to. It's just it was there and I didn't see it and and I'M SO SORRY HYUNG!" Jiyong attempted to explain but couldn't form the correct coherent sentences to accomplish his goal, ending up simply apologizing many times in a row as he begged for forgiveness.

"Just get out, Ji. I don't want to see you right now." Seunghyun muttered softly. He was so tired of this. He didn't want to deal with this situation anymore. He glared at Jiyong as he waited for him to get out of his room.

Jiyong looked guiltily at him as he attempted to make amends, only for the apologies to fall upon deaf ears, Seunghyun's back faced toward him as he lay upon his bed. He sighed again, bent down to pick up the ripped stuffed animal carefully.

I feel so bad for hyung. Aish. I should've been more careful! Jiyong reprimanded himself softly as he made his way out the door, softly closing the door behind him as he made his way into the living room.

The other three band members looked up to see a sullen looking Jiyong holding a ripped Gwee the Dragon collectible, questioning gazes set upon Jiyong and the stuffed toy.

"What happened? We heard yelling." Daesung questioned softly so as to not upset Jiyong any further by broaching a semi-sensitive issue. "Lots of it." Seungri piped in.
"I... accidentally ripped hyung's favorite toy..." Jiyong mumbled dejectedly.
"Are you serious, hyungnim?! That is like, hyung's most prized toy! How'd it happen?!" Seungri exclaimed in surprise.
"It just did, okay maknae? Leave me alone, would ya?" Jiyong snapped unjustly at Seungri who jolted back into Youngbae unintentionally.
"I-I'm sorry, hyungnim! I didn't mean to upset you!" Seungri apologized quickly. Jiyong sighed as he softly replied back in apology, "No, it's ok. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just gonna go to my room now okay?"

Jiyong walked over this room, although it looked a lot more like dragging to them, as he slowly pushed his room door open.

The three left in the living room stared at Jiyong's back worriedly, back and forth from Seunghyun hyung's closed door to Jiyong's closing door.

3 hours later:

"Hyung, can I come in?" Jiyong knocked on Seunghyun's door softly. A muffled "go away" was heard from inside but Jiyong decided to ignore it and come in anyways.
"Didn't you hear me when I said go away?" Seunghyun sighed out.
"Yeah, well I'm coming in anyway." Jiyong replied.
"What do you want?"
"I just wanted to apologize. Again."
"Oh yeah? Well apology NOT accepted." was the sharp reply.
"But hyung, I didn't mean to! I'm serious! What can I do to make it up to you?"
"How about going away?"
"Other than that. I feel really bad hyung, honestly. What can I do to make it up to you?"
"Ya know, Jiyong... Gwee the Dragon kind of reminds me of you." Seunghyun sighed out softly as he turned from the wall to gaze tiredly at Jiyong.
"Ohh... I see...?" Jiyong questioned curiously at the strange and random remark.
"It wasn't important to me just because I got it from appa, but because Gwee really reminded me of you. You, whose name is G-Dragon. And Gwee whose name is Gwee the Dragon. You guys have so many similarities. Both cute and adorable, both small and cuddly." Seunghyun continued softly as he gazed at anywhere but Jiyong. He wanted to explain to Jiyong why it was so important to him, why he overreacted so badly.
"Oh... I see..." Jiyong said again with a confused expression upon his face, unable to find the correct reply to something so sweet. He was tempted to smile and hug his hyung but he was unsure if that was such a wise idea at this time.
"Will you go away now?" Seunghyun sighed out.
"Um... okay..." Jiyong mumbled out in a daze. He felt his heart beat a little faster than normal and the slightest bit of a blush staining his cheeks although he wouldn't really admit it from the rare affectionate words that came out of the man's mouth.
He walked out of the Seunghyun's room and closed the door behind him with a soft 'click' as he bit his lip to keep from smiling like an idiot. His hyung thought he was cute...

Shaking his head and slapping his cheeks to get himself back to reality. It was time to get down to business and he knew of the perfect way to redeem himself in his hyung's eyes and to apologize at the same time.

Since it was near impossible to find another Gwee the Dragon (seeing in how there were only 100 in the entirety of the planet), Jiyong decided to try his hand at fixing it up himself.

Taking out his cell phone, he dialed for Seungho's number as he waiting for him to pick up. "Hey, Seungho. I have a favor to ask. Can you come over fast?" Jiyong said as soon as he heard Seungho's greeting.

"Um.. sure, Ji. I'll be over in 30 minutes. What's the favor if I may ask?" Jiyong could hear Seungho's reply from the other end of the phone.
"Just bring your sewing kit and make sure you have a lot of time. I'll explain when you get here." and with that Jiyong shut his phone promptly and waiting semi-patiently for Seungho to show up. He sure hoped his plan was going to work.

40 Minutes later:

A ringing from the doorbell was heard and Jiyong rushed up from his position upon the couch to answer the door, yelling out to the others that he'd answer the door.

Opening the door, he was met with the sight of a (late) Seungho carrying a small sewing kit in one hand the his bag of whatever it was in the other.
"You're late." Jiyong replied semi annoyed. He was really anxious to get this done, and fast. "Yeah, yeah. I had some stuff to take care of before I came here. I do have a life you know." Seungho sighed out as he made his way inside, taking his shoes off by the doorway.

"So what'd you need me here for and why did I need to bring a sewing kit?" Seungho questioned curiously.
"Well long story short, Seunghyun's mad at me because I broke his favorite toy and to make amends I'm trying to fix it myself by hand." Jiyong explained quickly as he lead Seungho over to his room with quick steps.

"No way! are you serious?! Which one?! man, I hope it's not that Gwee one, I bet you he'd go ballistic if you broke that one!" Seungho laughed out carelessly as he shook his head at how ridiculously childish Seunghyun could be.
"Eeer... thing is, it IS Gwee..." Jiyong mumbled out guiltily.
"OH MAN! No way! That has got to suck, man! I'll try my best to help you but I'm not sure I'll be of any use to you in this field. I'm just a stylist." Seungho replied back, slightly alarmed at the news."So what's the damage?"
Having arrived at Jiyong's room, they walked inside quickly as Jiyong closed the door quickly and pointed to his desk.
"It's on my desk. See for yourself." Jiyong replied.
Seungho followed Jiyong's finger to the desk and saw upon the desk a nearly completely ripped off Gwee the Dragon head and half torn limps.
"Oh s**t man. That is some serious damage!" Seungho exclaimed. Jiyong pursed his lips in disdain. Did everyone have to make him feel so horrible about this? More so then he already felt?! God! He seriously needed a drink after this.

The next few hours were filled with Jiyong pricking his fingers countless times and a normally patient Seungho close to his wit's end. Jiyong could get really frustrating sometimes. He needed to learn how to follow instructions better. With a long sigh and running a hand down his face, Seungho continued giving out instructions on how to properly sew the damn thing.

"Ji, I am thisclose to giving up and saying ******** it. Just follow my instructions!" Seungho nearly shouted but settled for growling out softly.
"I'm trying! But this is so god damn hard!" Jiyong whined as he pricked his finger once again. Jiyong felt like screaming. Why was sewing so friggin' HARD?!

"Ji, it's been nearly six hours and you've made little progress. How do you expect to finish at this rate?!" Seungho exclaimed.
"I Don't knoooww!" Jiyong moaned out in a whiny manner as he prevented himself from head desking himself. Jesus the things he did for his hyung! Why was he trying so hard no this anyways?!

Several more hours passed and finally, Jiyong triumphantly exclaimed out in joy that he had finally finished, holding up Gwee with an accomplished feeling of joy, jolting Seungho awake who had fallen asleep after another hour of Jiyong's mumbled curses and horrible sewing.

The result wasn't that great. The dragon was sewed back together pretty crudely but it was the best he could do.

Jiyong sighed slightly dejectedly as he set back down on the desk and lay his head upon the desk. "God I suck at this..."
"Yeah, you do..." Seungho agreed unhelpingly. Jiyong glared at him. Oh yeah, great help you are. Jiyong was tempted to say but kept his mouth shut.
"I guess this'll have to do then..." Jiyong was disappointed with the outcome but his ability in sewing was not up to par with, say, Dara or Bom. Heck he bet even Minzy could do a better job than him. Maybe he should've just had one of them do it for him. Lord knows CL wouldn't.

"Well it's the thought that counts, right?"
"I guess..."
"I don't think hyung will be too happy with the results... I've got to do something else to make up for it!" Jiyong wracked his brain for something else that would help his situation.

...Gwee really reminded me of you... Jiyong remembered Seunghyun say to him earlier. "Perfect!" Jiyong exclaimed out loud as he had a sudden 'epiphany'.
"Seungho, I thought of something else I could do. You up to the challenge?" Jiyong smirked as he motioned for Seungho over to tell him of his exact plans.
Seungho laughed as he whispered in his ears (why he whispered, who knew. maybe he wanted to make sure no one heard them in case someone was eavesdropping so it could be a surprise or maybe he just liked to be secretive). Seungho had a laughing fit at Jiyong's proposed idea, nearly busting a gut at the mere suggestion of something so ridiculous yet adorably cute!

"Ahaha, oh man. Ji, the things you do for that guy man."
"So, are you up to it?"
"Ahaha, sure man. I'm not willing to pass up this golden opportunity to see you in that!" Seungho continued laughing.
"Can you get it done by tomorrow morning?"
"I dunno. That's a bit of a toughie but I can try. No promises though."
"Wonderful! THANK YOU SO MUCH, SEUNGHO! I owe ya one!" Jiyong exclaimed happily as he jumped up and hugged Seungho in joy.

"Well I've gotta go. Gotta get started as soon as possible, ne?" Seungho continued laughing as he was ushered out the door by an embarrassed Jiyong.
"Don't tell anyone or show it to anyone okay!" Jiyong warned as he walked Seungho over to the entrance.
"Ahaha, sure sure. No prob. Not a peep." and with that Seungho walked out the door.

The Next Morning:

Ring, Ring.

A phone as heard ringing and Jiyong groggily got up to answer the accursed phone that woke him up at... 9 in the morning.

"Hey, I got it!" was what Jiyong heard as soon as he picked up before he could even get a word out. "God, Seungho. It's so damn early. Call back in five hours and maybe I'll talk to you then." Jiyong slurred out, voice thick with sleep. Then, his slow mind finally processed the words that had come out of Seungho's mouth.
"Wait, what?!" Jiyong shot up from his bed, all traces of sleep gone as he jolted awake by the information.
"You heard me. I got it. You sure you wanna go through with this?"
"Yeah... I just hope it'll work."
"HA. Wow. Ok then, dude. When do you want it? Wanna pick it up or what?"
"Just bring it over in an hour or something. I gotta do a few things."
"Kay man. See ya in a bit."

With that they both hung up and Jiyong stared at the phone in his hand intently. This was it. He was definitely going to go through with it. No matter how embarrassing it may be.


An hour passed by quickly and after Jiyong finished tidying himself and the room up and checking to make sure everyone else was still asleep, Jiyong slowly crept out of the room as he waited for Seungho to show up. A few minutes of waiting and finally Seungho had arrived with a bag in his hand, smile stretching across his face as if he was trying hard not to laugh but failing quite miserably.

"Tsk. you still laughing over this?" Jiyong said in an annoyed manner as he waited for Seungho, willing him to walk faster. Seungho walked tortuously slow, as if he knew that Jiyong was suffering from the anticipation.
"Yup~ but fear not, my Yongie! For your troubles shall be solved with what I hold in my hands at this time!" Seungho exclaimed softly so as to not wake up the others. He looked tired as hell, bedraggled and sleep deprived if the bags under his eyes indicated something.
"No idea what that has to do with what I just said but hurry up and hand that over would ya?!" Jiyong mumbled out quickly and softly.
"Yeah yeah. Whatever. Here ya go." Seungho handed Jiyong the bag still snickering under his breath. "Can I have my payment?" Seungho said as he held his hand out expectantly. Jiyong gave him a blank look before he rolled his eyes and sighed.
"No. But thanks for your volunteered services. Your payment is in gratitude. Now get out. I've gotta get things set up." Jiyong said irritably.
"Oh how you wound me so, Ji!" Seungho overly dramatized as he held a hand over his heart in mock hurt.
"ha-ha just kidding~ Anyhow I'll see ya around. And I expect ya to pay me next time I see ya, kay?" with that Seungho walked away, waving as he did so.
"Good luck trying to get me to pay." Jiyong mumbled before he closed the door and carefully took the item in his hand back to his room.

He had to get this done perfectly. He'll have to wait a few more hours before he could initiate his plan. Youngbae Seungri and Daesung were all busy today and weren't going to be home from noon until evening so that was the perfect time frame.

Having a rare day off on the same day as Seunghyun didn't come often so he'll have to get this done quickly.


Two hours had passed by and everyone was awake and about (even Seunghyun although he still refused to talk to or even acknowledge Jiyong, which really disappointed him). Everyone was shuffling about and quickly getting ready for their respective activities. Youngbae was getting ready to go see Teddy at the studio to go record his solo album while Daesung was off with Seungri to go practice for some type of musical they were doing. It was... Shouting, or something if Jiyong remembered correctly. Or not, but hey, who cares.

Everyone sat down to eat breakfast. The air was stiff and awkward as Jiyong stole not so discreet glances at Seunghyun and Seunghyun pointedly ignored Jiyong. Youngbae who attempted to break the awkward silence that fell over them only accomplished on making it even more so with the lack of responses.

"Okay, so I guess we'll get going then..." Seungri said as the three stood up to gather their belongings and get ready for a busy day ahead of them.

"Mm. Have fun." Seunghyun mumbled out with a small smile at the three before he turned back to poking at his meal, taking small bites at a time. "Mm. We will. Have fun at home with Jiyong, kay? Don't do anything dangerous while we're out." Youngbae warned like a mother would her child before he ushered the other two out of the kitchen to go get their stuff and out the door they went not five minutes later.

"Um.. hyung... are you still mad at me?" Jiyong asked out meekly as he fidgeted in his seat nervously, hoping he didn't really have to go through with his plan. A small sliver of hope emitted from Jiyong but was crushed when Seunghyun continued to ignore him.

"I guess you are..." Jiyong said with a crest fallen expression. He sighed as he continued to eat his breakfast slowly.

Seunghyun abruptly stood up with a slightly loud clanking of dishes and utensils against plates and the deafening screeching of the chair against the tiled floor of the kitchen that filled the silence that made Jiyong wince. Seunghyun picked up his half eaten food and put it in the refrigerator for later, his appetite having been lost. Without saying a word or even sparing a glance at Jiyong, making his way over to his room briskly.

Jiyong sighed as he nervously bit his lip, quickly eating the rest of his food as he nearly threw the dishes into the sink in his haste, making his way to his room as his heart beat quickly at the humiliation he was about to put himself through.

Taking a deep breath Jiyong unzipped the bag to stare at the atrocity. Oh the things he did for his hyung. He really wondered why he was going to put himself through this. But he had to. He had to suck it up and be a man about this.

With that firm decision in his mind he slowly, torturously went through with his plan.


After struggling for nearly half an hour and as many curses as he knew in Korean, English and Japanese as he could, he finally managed. Slowly opening the door to make sure no one was there (dear lord he hoped that none of the 2ne1 girls would be dropping by for a surprise visit. The utter humiliation he would go through if they ever saw him like this), slowly he made his way out of his room, making sure to grab the crudely sewn Gwee while he was at it, and into Seunghyun's room.

Knocking to make sure Seunghyun was still awake, Jiyong called out to announce his presence. "Hyung, I'm coming in!"
"Go away!" was the loud, albeit muffled, reply.
"Hyung, are you still sulking?!" Jiyong replied as he slowly opened the door. Judging by the fact that Seunghyun's back was facing the door and he was buried under a mound of blankets, Jiyong was safe to assume that yes, he was in fact, still sulking.
"Um... hyung..." Jiyong called out as he fidgeted, nervousness oozing out of his entire being. His heart raced quickly as he tried to swallow his pride.
"What do you want now?" came Seunghyun's muffled reply.
"I... wanted to apologize. And... to give you... a consolation gift?" Jiyong said slowly, confused as to what he wanted to say exactly.
"Or wait. um. No. I err..." Jiyong shifted from foot to foot (although it was a bit difficult from what he was wearing) as he stuttered out an explanation.
"Um. I wanted to make it up to you... for... breaking something so precious to you." Jiyong swallowed. Why was his mouth suddenly getting so dry?

Seunghyun didn't make a move to indicate that he was interested. Jiyong sighed. Why did he have to be so difficult?!

"Here..." Jiyong walked over to the bed and gently placed Gwee on top of Seunghyun's head, or at least where he assumed his head was seeing in how his entire body was covered with blankets. Seunghyun's head popped out to look at what Jiyong had just placed upon him.
"...." he stared incredulously at the horribly hand sewn plushy.
"Is this your idea of apologizing? A crudely sewn back together Gwee?" Seunghyun bit out bitterly. "Well... not just that..." Jiyong said as he trailed off at the end of his sentence, bouncing up and down from the tip of his toes to the balls of his feet in a nervous gesture. Here it was. The moment of truth. Or rather revelation, but either way, it was coming.
"Then what else did you have in mind?" Seunghyun sighed out, back still facing Jiyong and the (open) doorway.
"Well... if you turned around you'd know." Jiyong sang out as his cheeks began to color red. Was it just him or was it suddenly getting a bit too hot in here?! It was really stifling in this outfit. Jiyong pulled at his outfit in an attempt to cool down, to no avail.
Sighing, Seunghyun slowly sat up from the bed, pushing the mass of blankets off him as he did so, face blank as he slowly, much too slowly, goddamn why couldn't he move any faster, facing Jiyong at an incredibly agonizing slow pace. JUST TURN AND FACE ME GOD DAMN IT! Jiyong wanted to scream at Jiyong but knew better than that.

And then FINALLY, Seunghyun was up and he was facing Jiyong at last, his blank expression turning into that of shock that soon gave way to gratitude and a warm smile as he laughed at Jiyong's ridiculous attire.

"Ahaha ! OH my god, Ji! What in the hell are you WEARING?!" Seunghyun laughed out loudly to the point of guffawing as he clutched his side. It was too hard to stay mad at Jiyong when he was dressed in something so ridiculously adorable.

There Jiyong stood, in a very nicely handmade, custom fit Gwee the Dragon costume. Complete with wings and a tail and everything.. An adorable bundle of green. Gwee the Dragon in all his ridiculously cute glory. Jiyong fought the urge to blush like a madman.

"Well... I wanted to make it up to you and since I can't sew for crap, I came up with this idea... so... am I forgiven?" Jiyong asked with a hopeful expression.
"Are you forgiven? Hell, this is the nicest thing you've done for me! the nicest thing anyone's done for me! I just cannot believe you would go through that just for me!" Seunghyun exclaimed as he continued to laugh like a person on crack.

"Yes, you are forgiven." Seunghyun smiled. "You're so adorable that I could just cuddle you and eat you up!"
Jiyong shivered at the thought of being eaten. "Please, don't. I'd like to live and see the next ten years of my life thank you very much."
"Well, come here you silly dragon! I'd like to hug you!" Seunghyun laughed as he raised his arms in anticipation for the bundle of, well adorableness for a lack of better terms.

Jiyong smiled brightly as he walked over to the bed and sat down, cuddling up next to his hyung. "You better be grateful. I had to ask Seungho for a huge favor. I now apparently owe him. And since I'm certainly not paying for the bill, and I did all this," Jiyong gestured toward his costume, "and so you owe me." Jiyong finished as he smiled into Seunghyun's arms.

"Yeah, yeah fine. As long as I get to see you in this costume more often." Seunghyun laughed out.
"Yeah good luck. Not going to happen." Jiyong said bluntly, not missing a beat.
"Aaaw, that's a real shame! Don't put all of Seungho's efforts to waste! You should wear it whenever no one else is around!" Seunghyun prodded Jiyong with a large smile spread across his face.
"Mm. Let me think about it..." Jiyong fake contemplated as he tabbed a paw on his chin. "No."
"That's too bad, really!" Seunghyun couldn't help but chuckle as he pinched Jiyong's cheeks. "Ahh, Ji you are just too cute!"
"Oh stop rubbing it in my face." Jiyong pouted.

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