indeed~ x]
college visits were okay... Northwestern I went to just for the lol's, & i didn't really like it all that much. xD Dordt was pretty awesome, would've been more so if my online registration had gone through though.
those two words are very similar...
went shopping && gots some new outfits... one I got specifically for senior pictures, & i realized at work that another one I'd be able to wear to after prom... fits the theme lol
speaking of which, that's coming up. o.o;;... Got my dress back tonight, had a grand celebration of like 2000 thank-yous to the shop, and headed off to an awesome rainy night at work. xD i was texting a lot of people when I got home: we're planning a fun morning tomorrow. x] kinda like a triple date if Tay and her bf cooperate... but then again they didn't even know what movies are showing, so I'm a little worried...
and one realizes the true irony when one realizes that her bf is a freaking GENIUS. xDDDD
so happy to have internet again.... heart
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