I'm back!! smile
I'm not sure if refreshed is what I am, but I sure feel proud of myself!!
It was a heck of an adventure, that's for sure. It was tiring, it was emotional, it was annoying, it was pleasant... And I met a lot of people. I never thought people like them existed...
One of the many people I met is that quick-tempered boy (Sorry, I forgot your name). He was really mean to me at first, but I guess I grew on him or something, and we had fun during April fools. He told me to visit again, but Salacia is so far away... I promised, though, so I guess I'll have to go back one day.
I hope he still remembers me when that day comes... neutral
Maaaan, it sure feels nice to be back. smile smile smile smile smile
View User's Journal
Crikey this is a terrible journal.
Safe to say I was a retarded preteen.
Read and your eyes will spontaneously combust.
Galilei 7
Community Member |
My Sweetieheart[img:1b391ea766]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs41/f/2009/017/5/c/The_colourful_dance_by_Zonvelf.jpg[/img:1b391ea766]
My Sweetieheart[img:1b391ea766]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs41/f/2009/017/5/c/The_colourful_dance_by_Zonvelf.jpg[/img:1b391ea766]