Hey-hey, everyone!
It's been a pretty busy week, but I occasionally I get some spare time to go on Gaia to write some journal entries. So far I only have two active roleplays I regularly post in: a generic arranged marriage one, and an adventure one to defeat "beasts of lore". My roleplaying friends are very friendly(you know who you are... Joe. That's only one of the couple of reasons why you should join them now!
[ a.m. rp ] [ beasts/lore rp ]
Now that you're annoyed at me for taking advantage of your kindness of checking out my journal entries, I'll actually post some interesting things that have happened to me:
I have finally figured out how to add in custom hairstyles on Sims 2!
I am not currently obsessed in a book series! (Recommendations anyone?)
There's a lot more interesting topics on Lifestyle Discussion than people usually assume!
The annoying weed that keeps on growing in my backyard actually has a name! (Sourgrass.)
The neighborhood cats who keep on hanging around my house has fleas!
One Piece really has too many episodes that I can't finish!
My current drama obsession also has too many episodes to finish! (The Switch.)
I have decided that I like Erika Toda again. (The actress of Misa in the Death Note movies. ) Before I thought she was a huge diva because people said she was bullying a fellow actress on set, but I have finally decided that the media is corrupt!
Speaking of, have you heard of how the movie Avatar was banned in China?! That's ridiculous!
I also saw a Yahoo! headline that there was going to be a Harry Potter theme park. I didn't check out the article, but I remember reading about it ages ago in a magazine. ;D They were saying, "there may be a HP theme park in the near future..." Aha!
I have decided on a new nickname for myself: Birdie, or Ducky. (I personally prefer the first one, actually.) Except I'm going to enforce it on new friends. (You know how old friends just insist on calling you the same nicknames that bug the heck out of you, but you can't do anything about it. ~sigh~)
Anything else... well, I'm still looking for new roleplays. (As hinted above.) I usually prefer action, or romance. Both of them together is just too much cluttered together... unless it's really epic. I dislike horror, because they never seem to lead anywhere. I love pirate roleplays, but I don't like medieval roleplays. Well, the only type of medieval roleplays acceptable to me are arranged marriage, or ones with an amazingly great plot.
I always want to create a roleplay on my own, but I always lose interest in the plot when the thread is almost done. That's why I'm biding my time in the shadows, thinking up of a storyline that will keep me interested and blast the living daylights out of anyone who happens to browse by.
Bye for now!
View User's Journal
Serene: To the General Public At Last
A few pieces of Ser's thoughts and life, which are carefully broken down from her life mosaic and preserved into this online journal. Read with care.
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