name: kyle turner age: 18 1/2 race: demon sexuality: bi- sexual C= powers: has the ability to speak to the dead and summon things from hell bio: raven's older step brother, calm, quiet, is possesed and goes crazy, can be a perv but only to friends so he doesnt seem rude, funny, strong, fun to be around. ran away from home when he was 11 killing people to try to escape "voices", left raven and mom alone crush: haha.... dont humor me...name:raven madison age:15 race: vampire sexuality: bi- sexual! ;3 powers: can form things from clay and shapeshifts bio: kyle's little step sister, spunky, playfull, is sarcastic A LOT, sweet, can be serious, a good friend, laughs quite a lot, cute just plain cute crush: meh....