Username // Name: Kuromified // Karen
What do I usually daydream about: stuff.
Random Fact(s):
- i love spicy foods!;D especially kung pao chicken. muahahahaha.
- i eat a bag of chips every week. i am currently on a chip diet..
- 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510... from memory.
- Music. ♫
Username // Name: 0reooo // Ellen
What do I usually daydream about: Meeting TOP from Big Bang, food (like icecream with chocolate chipsss ..), getting cute clothes.
Random Fact(s):
- I'm always eating. I don't care if I am gaining some weight. Being happy is what I want to be doing constantly! :]
- I love persimmons. I despise apples. :c
- I have lots of stuffed animals of Kuromi! 9:
- Horrible, horrible memory. I forgot my home phone the other day when I've had it memorized all my life. :<
Username // Name: Turkeys Go Oink // Dana
What do I usually daydream about: My ideal future, FOOD, dream guys who are perfect in personality & looks, and random things that I can't recall.
Random Fact(s):
- I love walking in light rain.
- Hugging people feels awkward.
- Yellow trash cans are awesome.
- Autumn is my favorite season. Reasons? Crunchy leaves, perfect weather. The winter is too cold, the summer is too warm, and the spring is such an allergy season.
- I like cuddling with my blanket when it's cold.
Username // Name: xAsianToast // Sukii
What do I usually daydream about: Being rich on Gaia ;D, Jewootae (lol)
Random Fact(s):
- I love to draw~ :3 I want to become an awesome artist. D:<
- I love to eat roasted duck. ;D
- My favorite color is green. ^^