The 'How to get Rich in Gaia' guide. No donations or begging required!
#1 Jigsaw Puzzles
1.1 Do your puzzles on insane! It may take longer, but it's not impossible. You can get up to 800 gold if you do!
1.2 Do a puzzle that has distinct sections. Ones with several people or where the subjects dominate the puzzle.
1.3 Next, try to do the border first. I'm not sure why, but doing this makes things a bit easier.
1.4 Do it in sections! If their are several distinct things then do those first. Like the faces of people and their hair or small animals. Patterns can be done like this too.
1.5 This is the last thing. Look at the sections where the puzzles join. Separate pieces that can possibly fit with another. This is good when you are doing a blank space with no detail.
#2 Fishing!
2.1 Only one rule for this. Catch your fish and then sell them! I know you could make something, but you may get more gold for selling a large bulk of fish then going to Logan and making them into hats or items. Same with Cans, boots, and old tires.
#3 Towns.
3.1 Catch those bugs! Catch them and when you can make them into ink. Ink can sell for a lot because people want the body dyes. This however takes a long time to get the 500 ink bottles needed to do this. It may be better to just sell the ink.
3.2 Only pick up the crumpled zerox paper, cans, and boots. The zerox paper makes the cat ears which are higher in price them the other trash exchange items. And as I said before, the cans and boots can be sold.
3.3 Don't make bouquets. Sell the flowers. Simple as that.
#4 Market place!
4.1 Do not over price your items. Nothing pisses me off more then seeing something that can be cheaply bought in a store with a huge price tag in the market. Sell it for less then it's worth in the store people. Don't sell Aka Hakama pants for 16000 gold when everyone can go to Global imports and get it for 6600 gold. You will never make a sale. I see bouquets that are over one million gold. Why do they do it? They think that seeing as no other person is selling it they can make the price high. You can make the same bouquet for only 2500 gold. Not too smart.
4.2 Make sure your item is the cheapest of all the other lots. This may mean you need to give up some of the price, but you are guaranteed to get the item sold (unless someone puts one up with a cheaper price).
4.3 Sell all your unwanted items.
4.4 Sell the magical gift boxes you get. Don't take the chance of getting an item worth less then the actual box.
4.5 Do not be tempted to buy items you really want if they are not cheaper then the average price. You can buy it however if it is being sold for a very low price. I got my The Nightmare only when there was a lot that was only 140000 gold instead of the regular 170000. It was a good find. Look for those and try to be the first.
#5 Booty Grab and Fish Drops!
5.1 Play booty grab only when the tank is full of fish/mini monsters that give out green, blue, or red gold. Also only do it when most of the fish are glowing.
5.2 For low lag press the back button or minimize the main screen.
5.3 If the fish drop is expensive then sell it. If not, open it. You may get an item that you can sell for a lot of gold.
#6 Gold Mountain. Play or not to play?
6.1. Don't play the slots. The slots in the Game Corner in the Pokemon games have better odds of getting the jackpot. It's a waist of tokens.
6.2 The card game is much easier then the slots. If you wan to try your luck then play that instead.
6.3 If you really want to make some gold, then sell the tokens back to Gold Mountain. Their sell-back value is 1 gold each. So if you have over 1000 tokens you can just sell them back.
This is how I was able to get all the gold I have now. I'm not saying how much, but it is a lot. I hope this helps!