Let's see... My name is Nicholas Ku, but lots just call me Nikku... Or Paranoid... or Para if you're feeling daring... or if I love you, Para-para~ [Otaku joke, don't worry if you don't get it~]
Anyhoo, I'm 16 and I'm a guy. And I'm gay. Sorry ladies~ I love me a man~<3
I'm of asian decent, 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Japanese, and I'm short. 5 ft almost 1. xD
You will never see a picture of me. Ever. Unless I love you enough~ lol
Hm... what else is there to tell about me?
I enjoy rping, music, drawing, writing, and reading occasionally~<3
Uh...I'm running out of things to say!! OH! A few must knows about me before you click that 'add to friends button'!! Stole the idea from a loverly person of mine~ xD
I don't want random friend's request just because my name's cool, you want a gay friend, etc, etc. If you do, I will ignore you. Talk to me a bit first at least!
I don't do requests, which means that I won't donate if you flat out ask me [unless I love you~ xD], I won't bump a thread, subscribe to a youtube or deviantart, or anything else like that. Get it? Got it? Good.
I dislike when people steal my stuff, which can range from my posting formats to my rp formats to my characters and especially my art. You'll live if you steal my formats, I don't really care, I'll just ignore you forever. Touch my art and I swear... I'll invoke the wrath of the internets on you, and once you're on Para's bad side, it's bad. There's no going back~
I'm gay, so if you have issues with that, there's a little button with an arrow pointing left in the left hand corner of the screen. Use it. I don't want any flames or other s**t like that, got it?
Uh... let's see... um... OH! If I don't respond to a pm, then the conversation is usually over.... or it just ran dry and I don't feel like answering you... or I'm caught in a giant private messaging chain and I'm being swallowed alive by it... which often happens. So, uh, don't feel offended if I don't respond!
I dislike weeboos. To be an Otaku is fine, it just means that you like the Japanese culture and you respectfully/tastefully use/adore it. Weeboos are idiots who throw nonsensical crap together and talk in a language I like to call wapanese and annoy the crap out of me. LEIK, OMG, KAH-WAH-EEEEE DEHHH SUE!! OH EM GEE NIKKKKUUUUEEEE YOOOUUU ARE SO KAAAWWWAAAAAAAAAAH EEEE!! No, just no. Go away if you plan on spamming me like that. I respect those who are genuinly trying to learn the language, but if you just wanna seem 'cutesy' then go away.
What else is there for me to tell you? Hm.. I do have a good side, I promise you that~ But I tend to try to keep people at a good, casual distance... but if you've been lucky enough to hear my life story, then tada!! You're officially Para approved and I love you~<3
To those I love, I donate to, make an effort to contact them regularly, and other such things. Be warned though, being Para's fave is quite an awesome achievement, but if you are to fall from it? There's no turning baaack~