S?x2, IC
Waking up, Dragon dimly thought, { What the hell ran over my head? }
Feeling something jerk about in her, Dragon was even MORE surprised to hear Skully. "Dragon?!"
{ Skully? }
"How are you doing that?" Skully asked. For some odd reason, Dragon couldn't see him--or anything else for that matter.
Something was seriously wrong here.
{ Doing what? } Dragon asked. She could sense she was in some kind of giant pen and that something was kicking around inside her. { Skully, what's going on? }
"I'm swimming in you!" Skully boasted proudly.
{ You're...what? }
"Swimming in you!" Skully said. "You turned into a giant puddle of water after all the trouble it took me to drag your dragony a** to my kingdom so I had you mopped up and put in a tank so I could swim about in you!"
{ I'm...you...OH YOU BONE HEADED FOOL! } Dragon roared as the implications of what Skully said sank in--as well as the memories that resurfaced of Nogard's fight. In an instant, Dragon froze herself into a block of ice.
"H-Hey!" Skully protested. "I can't move!"
{ That tends to happen when you've been frozen in place! } Dragon snarled. { I'd rather boil your bones into a fine stew but I'd need Nogard around to do that. }
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seriously?
Xangord woke to find her self eddying around. { Does it make you feel good about yourself Xigbar that you've finally caught up to me? }
"Who said that?" Xigbar asked, looking about.
{ I did, } Xangord said, gathering her smoke about her. { Did you really think it was this easy? } [1]
"Yeah, I did," [1] Xigbar replied. "And I still do."
Since the smoke she was releasing was based off the size of her human form, Xangord thought of her dragon form to increase the amount of the smoke two thousand-fold. { Careful now, Xiggy. Even with all your fannish heartless about, this is still a dangerous place to be what with all my heartless running about with a standing order to kill any heartless and Nobodies they come across. }
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issuing Commands
When Rose arrived, Broden bowed. "Your highness. I do apologize for pulling you away from your duties so quickly after being crowned."
"Get to the point, Broden," Rhownbwy said. "What do you mean we've got more trouble than usual?"
"It seems my dear little sisters cannot be found on any part of Gaia," Broden said. Flan can give you details."
Checking back with the Nerissa Altsoba to make sure her explanation was correct, Flan explained the last several hours up to when the three sisters disappeared. < And, according to Mosquito, Furbutt [2], and Dai; there's evidence that there was a rather large battle in the strip of land where neither the main AI or the ship AI can touch. Mosquito's telling me that based off the scent of the blood splatters, Nogard was seriously injured but...are you sure? > This last was not directed at the group.
"What?" Lord Avondale asked.
< Dai is telling me that there's enough of Nogard's blood splattered about that she should be exsanguinated. >
"WHAT?!" Rhonabwy, Lord Avondale, and Broden exclaimed--said only slightly quieter by Creighton, Shalimar, and Wynn.
< They should be finding Nogard's body somewhere around all the blood they're seeing but they aren't, > Flan said. < Dragon's body is gone too, though there are some traces of a skeleton being pressed into the ground. >
"Alright," Broden said. "Obviously, things are a little worse than I expected. Father, grandfather, I want you to stay here. You're too set in your ways to approach this in the way it needs to be done. I'm sure Queen Rose has set some sort of seneschal to run things while she's gone--you two are to make sure no one tries to kill him while we're gone."
"You don't have any--" Rhonabwy began to object.
"I have all the right to do so, grandfather," Broden said. "You wouldn't argue with Dragon if she was here so don't attempt to argue with me." Turning to Shalimar and Wynn, he said, "When your husband and the others get back, I want you, Wynn, and Creighton to go to Skully's kingdom to get Dragon."
"How do you know that's where she's at?" Wynn asked.
"Remember what I told you about Uncle Skully?" Shalimar said to Wynn.
"Which one?" Wynn asked. "The best way to defeat him is to remove his head or that he could quite--oooooooh. [3] Makes sense."
< And the rest of us? > Flan asked.
"We're going to have to figure out a way to recreate those portals that Nobodies use so I can send you and Dai after Xangord," Broden said. "Queen Rose, n**, and I then would go after Nogard."
Community Member
[2] Flan's nickname for Wolf. You all remember her nickname for n** right?
[3] The rest of that is "...possibly survive a dragon being dropped on him?"