I completely forgot about my poor Gaia journal. DX Sorry. Nobody was reading it anyway. So, the past week has been Ah-may-zing. Let me tell you. Monday- two hour delay. I don't even remember what we did. XD Monday night- blizzard. Tuesday-cancelled. Wednesday-cancelled. Thursday-cancelled. Friday- two hour delay...which became cancelled. I'm telling you, it was like winter break all over again. Except shorter. And Chirstmas-less. XD I don't think I left the house at all save to check for mail. XD So yesteday, (or I guess, two days ago, XD) I did little, but go to Best Buy and get the newest TS3, High-End Loft Stuff. I heart TS3 too much. XD (Seriously, I played it everyday, almost all day, on the cancellations.) Right, so then today, Valentine's day. Mulled around the house, dreading tomorrow. School. gonk Apparently, our county is under a winter-storm-condition or something. I just want a two hour delay...ugh. At this rate, we probably won't get out of school until the end of June. DX Heck, we couldn't even get out of our driveway until some guy plowed it for 20$! XD So yepp, I'm not sure what else to say. So, bai bai! X3
Snapple Fact of the Day:: Stepping out for a walk everyday can actually help you sleep better at night. (Well, duh. I thought these were supposed to be useless trivia things...XD)