February 13, 2010
I remember there being this new school that was completely underground, so obviously there were no windows anywhere. The walls are rock & super thick mud that has been dry forever. Overall, the school was very cool (in temperature) & it smelled like a cave. It was a cave. hahaha. ANYWAY, I was walking to english with Jake & I accidentally got up ahead of him & when I turned around, he wasn't behind me ! I called out his name, but I only got other students to look at me.
- _____ -'
Then I walked into my classroom, expecting Jake to be in his desk, waiting for me, but he wasn't there. I went to a desk & slid my bag under it, in the basket, but somehow it ended up under the girl's desk behind mine ! (WTFFFF.)
"Uhm, why is your bag under my desk ? Get it out." she said, snobbily.
"Oh, sorry. I thought I put it under mine..." then I took it out, but noticed that my friend Katie was sitting towards the back so I just moved over by her. my english teacher, Mrs. Brown, asked everyone if we had our essays, & I realized I didn't have mine. (OHHHCRAAAAAP.) Katie didn't have hers either, so we just worked on the worksheet our teacher had given us earlier. It had a huge picture of a cartoon apple that we were to colour. (I don't understand either...) I was colouring mine green. Then the bell rang for lunch & I looked out the window & I saw Jake walk by, waving & shrugging to me.
SOMEHOW, he switched (accidentally) out of Mrs. Brown's english class to the english class across the hall.
the end.
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