Happy new year everyone! I mean, the month's half over, but whatever.
So, the first MCs of 2010! I hope you guys like them. I've been checking out the feedback and everything, and I appreciate your comments - it's always good for us on the team to get constructive feedback. I was on Majnun this month. I was especially fond of this month's MC theme, a tale of two tragic lovers split forevermore across the barren desert... of separate items. It's poetic. (Hohohoho, get it. Poetic.) Back in the old days, MCs occasionally related to one another thematically, a bonus storytelling element to keep you entertained while you built an entirely new outfit. Hopefully the story of Layla and Majnun's maddeningly unconsummated passion keeps you warm during this frigid winter.
If you want to hear more about this ancient story (older by far than Romeo & Juliet, which some speculate was inspired by L & M), I'd recommend listening to The Silk Road Project's performance of the Azerbaijani opera, 'Layla & Majnun'. It's beautiful.
In other news, I made some new gold shop stuff for Chinese New Year YEAR OF THE TIGERRRRR WHICH IS ME. And about the wigs - you're right, I do like big foreheads. Luckily you've all found very creative ways around looking like eggheads. Me, I've got a four-finger forehead (fourhead, if you will), and you know what they say, art imitates life.
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