Kaiah: Mama are you gonna tell us more bout when you were little? Or, or, anything about when you and daddy met? Ooh! Or maybe um, maybe some of y'alls aventos!
Clarissa: *thinks* Hmm...well, I almost married a Prince.
Kaiah: Reeaeally? 8D *dreamy sigh*
Viscen: Hey! Don't be wike that, Kaiah! Is she maweed that batawd then we wouldn't half our daddy! D8<
Kaiah: : < B-but I wuv my daddy...
Viscen: Ah! So do I!
Even though he hates my guts.
Clarissa: He does not...Anyway, yeah, I nearly married the Prince of Hyrule. His name was Julian and he stalked me.
Grace: Prince Julian? Hey! I met him too before. So you were the other women he said he'd leave for me.
Clarissa: What?!
Grace: He was such a sleeze.
Clarissa: Yeah. S'alright though. I woman'd up and got with Tangora. :3
Grace: I just found him repulsive.
Clarissa: That and you're inlove with Ion.
Kaiah: What happened to him, mama?
Clarissa: He was slaughtered by your Uncle Ion. = /
Grace: After your Uncle Ion kicked your mom and dad's asses.
Clarissa: *tackles Grace and starts beating her face in* How-many-times-must-I-tell-you-I-was-kicking-his-a**!! *punch punch punch*
Grace: DX .... D8< *knees Clarissa in the stomach and throws her over her head*
Clarissa: *rolls onto her feet and starts stomping toward her, ready to kill her...* D8<
Diana: Oh! Stop it! Both of you! >: <
Clarissa: : < *isn't hurt*
Grace: = ( *has a busted lip and is bleeding from her nose*
Both: Sorry, Diana.
Viscen: Gramma! *huggles his gramma*
Kaiah: *huggles her gramma too*
Diana: ^_^ *huggles them both*
Ark: So what really happened?
Denny: I'll tell you what happened! So there I was, rescuing Diana from Prince Julian. He was all, "Arr! I've heard stories about you, Denny The Great! It's time to DUEL!"
And I was all like, "No way! Epic Evade! Not today Zurg!"
And Clarissa and Tangora were all, "Golly gee wow, Denny! You're the swellest scrub evar!" Then Ion swooped in and was all, "Muahahaha! And he twirled his mustache and everything! Then I jump kicked him into a giant moon with a scary face! Diana was all, "Oh Denny! My hero! Let's go home! I'll make you rice, chicken, beef, pork, veggies and all that good stuff you love!
Then Tangora high fived me and all was right with the world. *Superman pose*
Viscen: ... = / *kicks Denny*
Denny: Ehhh! *rolls over there*
Clarissa: .... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! XD *snort* Hahahahahahaha!
Grace: *Rofl*
Kaiah: Hehehehehe! *huggles Denny*
Diana: Oh my...*stifles giggles*
Ark: Well that was by far, the most absurd story I have ever heard. What REALLY happened, mom? *looks at Grace*
Grace: Well...I don't really know. I came in about the time Ion and Clarissa were fighting.
Viscen: Wow! You were fighting with Uncle Ion, Mama? I thought only daddy could beat him up! 8D
Clarissa: ^_^ *pat pat*
Grace: As I was saying, Ion and Clarissa fought while Tangora was all beat up and laid out somewhere depending on that stupid woman to save his life. Then Julian interfered and Ion and him had went one on one while Diana, her stupid a** son and dumb as a box of rocks Clarissa ran away. *cthulu*
Clarissa: Grrr, you're ******** lying. This is what really happened, Ark. I put this on my children and my husband. I agreed to marry Julian because I didn't want to spend the rest of my life unmarried and childless. I had already been inlove with Tangora but I honestly didn't see him as...interested in me to say the least.
Anyway, when the day came, I stood him up and ran off. Not with Tangora, but on my own. Well while all kinds of s**t was goin on, Julian went insane, kidnapped your grandmother and Denny, then tried to hunt me down.
Your Uncle Tangora had busted into the church to stop the wedding a wee bit too late. He came looking for me and when he found me, we exchanged a few sentimental words and went back only to find Diana and Denny ahd been taken.
So we track them down, Tangora gets thrown into a jail cell because of a surprise attack. I kick some a** then get captured, managing to pick pocket the guard and break us out. Julian finds us, fights Tangora, tries to kill me, Tangora owns him but then Julian cheats with his magic bullshit. Ion comes flying out of damn near nowhere, kickign Tangora and trying to kill him.
I jump on Ion, we fight, I get launched into a building, Ion gets launched somewhere by Tangora...Ion gets up, he takes on Tangora, Tangora gets hurt, and so I fight Ion. Then Julian comes back and starts a fight with Ion which distracts him enough to allow Tangora to grab me and his mom, then go runnin back home. Not because of fear, but because being in the middle of that specific battle would possibly have killed us all.
Tangora and I get framed by Ion's murdering Julian, we run off to termina. Get married, and here we are now, six years later.
Ark: Epic.
Clarissa: Quite.
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Clarissa Crossette-Gahn
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Piss off plz 8D.