General Information
Name: Gaston
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Personality: Ladies Man, Overconfident, Thinks hes the best
Physical Description
Height: 6'4''
Body Type: Muscular
Eyes: Sparkling Brown
Skin: light tan
Hair: Black With Ponytail
Distinguishing Features- Scar on Bridge of nose
Clothes (Medieval Style)
Tops: Wears a red t-shirt under full plate armor
Bottoms: brown pants with plate armor
Shoes: Simple medieval shoes
Jewelry: none
Other: Wield longsword. Optional Crossbow holstered
Relationship with other characters
Gaston- Kiba - Kinda Friend but they are kinda distant
Gaston- Fai- Lets Just say that Gaston want Fai but Fai says no way.
Gaston- Serval- Dislikes Serval. Not Greatly but Serval's confidence is almost to much to for Gaston
Gaston- Shuranai- Treats her like a dog.
Gaston a boy of an aristocratic family. Gaston lived in the city of Thertor. Split into two parts. Gaston lived in the wealthier part of the city. Gaston was raised to think that his family and himself were the best, and doesn't he deserve the best? He was a very spoiled child. He got everything he ever wanted. Money, food, amenities. His father being a strict parent Gaston coped with his feelings of belittlement and undermining. Despite living under their beliefs in St. Cuthbert, Gaston became accustomed to thinking he was better than everyone else. While Growing his father taught him how to fight and how to defend himself when the time it is needed. He also caught the eye of the ladies in his town but he never minded them for none were as pretty as he. Always full of himself Gaston needs the attention that everyone gives him in town. Gaston eventually started to become bored with his daily life so he set his sight on an adventure to leave town and discover other people and followers that could give him the attention he needs. Upon leaving he took one last trek around town, to give a last glimpse of his home. He left that same day and noticed later on in his journey he noticed that life alone is more difficult than he could imagine. He needed attention. One day a storm brewed and he need to take shelter. He found a nearby tor and found a door upon it, he opened it and let himself in. This is where his adventure begins.