Well, it's been a while since I've written in here. As of now my journal has taken on a new purpose. It is now acting, temporarily, as an update center for The Gaia Crashers Video Game Project. So let's get to it, shall we?
The project has come a long way since I last updated it. I have finished all of the outdoors maps, and they look spiffing. Much better than the old ones. I shall have to post some updated screenshots. I also have completely finished the town, except for writing the events. All the indoor maps and everything are done. The music for them has all been selected too. That's a total of twelve maps I've done for this project so far, and they are looking great. The town was really hard to do, but it really paid off in the end. Everything looks amazing, if I do say so myself.
What else? Oh, I have a short intro sequence scripted. It's not much, but it'll help get the game started. I also loaded in the rest of the scripts that were needed. Unfortunately, they were not compatible with the attractive ring menu, so that has been lost. It's not a huge blow, but it was a nice looking menu. It looks like we'll just have to deal with the regular clunky one. Alas.
Now for the to-do list. These are the maps I still have to make:
Boss Room
Ground Floor
Bedroom (x3)
Storage Room
I also need to make some maps for a little side quest I added. More information on this coming soon.
After that I just need to add in the events and probably fiddle around with the database a little, then I will have a playable demo! I hope you're all as excited about it as I am!
Well, back to work. There's still a lot to be done, but it's starting to pay off!
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