so we know what to do, go into there hideout capture the queen and interrogate her. yep all set. the hide out was inside a large cavern system, atkus had mapped it out while he was "exploring" the caves. so its settled V will guard from the front, and you guard from the rear. ok lets go. they stealthily entered the cavern it was oepn because who dumb enough would try to fight the vaa'rg and expect that they'll win, they would be lucky if they were able to make it out alive. there traveled the large sytem and found many dead ends, apparently atkus, had mapped it out years ago before even Zhade was born. they finally found the queens chamber, when " hey you" youur not suppose to be here, get out! yelled a large heavily armored vaa'rg. V think you can take him, she nodded ok im trusting you. Zhade come with me!. they went inside the chamber she was there sleeping. atkus pointed his dagger at her neck and she woke up. she was yelling what do you want, who are you people! she had a sleeping mask on she took it off and it revealed that she was no older than Zhade possibly a bit younger. she was crying. we want to know what commnication do you have with these people, he described the invaders thoroughly, and noticed she was staring at him with wierd googley eyes. you mean the mas'lik, i dont really communicate with them i just give them money so they wont invade this planet also. do you know why they are doing this
,invading planets. she told them that she heard rumors that they were planning to biuld a super weapon and needed each planets core to power it so that they may over come the over lords. Zhade had heard of the over lords they were the beings who created the world and everything they were gods. so you think they are trying to defeat the over lords for complete control over everything. possibly. then we must stop them, the large vaa'rg came in and told the queen my queen we have intruders the he noticed Zhade and atkus, do you want me to throw them in the dungeon along with their friend, he held up V who was badly bruised and unconsicous. no actually quite the opposite i want you to assist them in stopping the mas'lik, they cannot be trusted, also bring an army or two and 12 airships along with them. thank you queen albanako'shi we will need these to stop them. then a loud rumbling was heard. they have came.
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