Name: Kristina Nieves
Age: Uncertain due to amnesia.
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 8''
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Brown
Personality: Bubbly, Childish, Giggles a lot, Determined when it matters, and one to never back down when challenged, making her also a foe to not underestimate.
Bio: Kristina was a very determined young girl, however childish she seemed. In situations that called for it, she can become strict and quite bossy. She can't remember much before she became an Arrancar, suffering from a blow to the head by possibly being forced in to a brawl, and then left. Damien adopted her in a way, and she seems to keep close to him. She strives to become more powerful to show Damien that she can, and will, be as powerful as him one day, knowing that it is most likely not possible, due to the difference in their Arrancar Species.
Rank: Damien Khallo's Fraccion Member
Mask Fragment: In Pic.
Fracción: N/A
Zanpakutō name: Obscuridad
Resurrección: Her ressureccion can't be summed up more than that she simply reverts to where she came from..
Her mask reforms in the shape of a childish skull, and her body in the form of a walking set of robes with arms and spikes out of her back. While in this form, she can use the shadows to her advantage, conjuring and shaping what she wills from them. Even disappearing in to them to lay traps. Her cute, bubbly outside holds the dark and murderess inside.
Zanpakutō look: Halberd that looks like it's been damaged/cracked/cut in half.
Special Abilities/Extra Weapons:
Two-Hand Combat Practitioner; Has trained herself to be able to fend off strong attacks one-handedly with her two-handed blade.
Dance-Style Defense: The way she uses defense could be called a style of dance itself. Uses spins and different stepping motions to dodge.
Cero: Dark purple with a blackish lava-lamp mix in it.
Sonido - Has trained her speed to be as quick as she possibly can.
Hierro - She may look fragile, but she trains herself regularly to take some devastating blows.